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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)

Keep it light

Keep it light

Back in my day 想當年

Can I have huge a shot in the dark?

Let's Learn Everything!
1: Time Illusions, Electric Bees, and Fakespeares
The Science of Nature
Bumblebee electric charge stimulates floral volatile emissions in Petunia integrifolia but not in Antirrhinum majus
Published: 14 September 2021

Bag the ducks


T: Why do ducks become fewer in recent years?
C: Because we bag too many ducks.
T: No! Ducks beg you.

Among the ruins (Chatterley)

DH Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover

Chapter 1

Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically. The cataclysm has happened, we are among the ruins, we start to build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes. It is rather hard work: there is now no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles. We've got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen.

(BM, 饒述一/朱光潛, 略修)
我們根本就生活在悲劇的時代, 因此不願悽惶自擾。 大災難已經來臨了,我們就在廢墟之中; 剛從頭樹立新的小建築, 懷抱新的小希望。 這是艱難的工作: 再沒有康莊大道通到將來, 但是我們卻迂迴而進,或攀援障礙而過。 不管天翻地覆,我們卻不得不生活。

(遠景, 湯新楣)
我們的時代基本上是個悲慘的時代, 於是我們拒絕以悲慘的態度去應付. 空前浩劫過去了, 我們置身廢墟中, 開始建造小的新居, 懷著小的希望. 這實在是艱苦的工作: 前面現在沒有康莊大道, 可是我們兜繞過, 或是攀越過障礙. 不論塌了幾重天, 我們都得活下去.

(董橋, 轉引自青山亂叠前記)
我們這個時代根本是個可悲的時代, 我們偏偏不肯認命. 狂瀾既倒, 我們都在斷瓦頽垣之中, 慢慢養成一點新習慣*, 抱着一點新希望. 費勁是相當費勁了. 此去並無坦途: 重重障礙, 我們也想法子繞路走, 甚至手腳並用攀過去. 反正我們不管天塌了多少下來 都只好活下去.

* 筆誤. habitats, 非 habits.

This was more or less Constance Chatterley's position. The war had brought the roof down over her head. And she had realized that one must live and learn.

(饒述一/朱光潛, 略修)
這大概就是康士丹斯‧查泰萊夫人的處境。 她親嘗過世界大戰帶來的土崩瓦解, 因此了解人必須生活,必須求知。

康斯坦絲‧查泰萊的態度大概就是如此, 戰事把她的安樂窩弄坍了, 她明白一個人必須活下去, 並且要學乖.


1. 推廣 generalization
2. 同構 homomorphism