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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)


列異傳 (trs. from The Man Who Sold a Ghost, by HY Yang and Gladys Yang)

The prince of Suiyang's daughter 睢陽王女 :

The scholar Tan was still unmarried at forty, much to his distress. One night he was studying The Book of Songs at midnight when a girl of about sixteen came in. Her beauty and splendour had no equal on earth, and she offered to be his wife.

談生者,年四十,無婦,常感激讀詩經。 夜半有女子,可年十五六,姿顏服飾,天下無雙, 來就生為夫婦。

She warned him, though: "I am no ordinary woman. For three years you must not look at me by torchlight."


They married and had a son, and when the boy was two years old, Tan could contain his curiosity no longer. While his wife lay asleep he held a torch over her. From the waist up she was flesh like any other woman, but from the waist down she was nothing but dry bones!

為夫妻,生一兒,已二歲,不能忍。 夜伺其寢後,盜照視之,其腰已上生肉如人,腰下但有枯骨。

Just then his wife woke up. "You have wronged me, husband!" she cried. "I was soon to have become a mortal. Why couldn't you wait for one more year instead of holding that torch over me?" Tan made abject apologies.

婦覺,遂言曰:「君負我。我垂生矣,何不能忍一歲而竟相照也。」 生辭謝。

"Now we must part for ever," she said in tears. "You must take good care of my son. If you are too poor to support yourself, come with me now and I shall give you a present."

涕泣不可復止,云:「與君雖大義永離,然顧念我兒, 若貧不能自偕活者!暫隨我去,方遺君物。」

若 = 你 ? (非如果)
方 = 將

He followed her into a splendid hall --- a rare building richly furnished --- where she gave him a robe made of pearls. "You can live on this," she told him. And she tore a strip from his gown.

生隨之去,入華堂,室宇器物不凡。 以一珠袍與之,曰:「可以自給。」 裂取生衣裾,留之而去

Later Tan sold the robe to the prince of Suiyang for ten million coins. As soon as the prince set eyes on it, he said: "That belonged to my daughter. This fellow must be a grave-robber."

後生持袍詣市,睢陽王家買之,得錢千萬。 王識之,曰:「是我女袍,此必發墓。」

He had Tan tried, and refused to believe his story. But upon inspecting the grave, they found it unbroken. And when they opened it, under the coffin lid they discovered the strip of Tan's garment. They perceived that his son resembled the princess too.

乃取拷之,生具以實對,王猶不信,乃視女冢,冢完如故。 發視之,果棺蓋下得衣裾。呼其兒,正類王女。

So at last the prince was convinced. Summoning Tan, he returned him the robe and made him his son-in-law, while the child was recommended for a post in the palace guard.




Atalanta and Melanion

Eleventh Labours of Hercules
Golden Apple of Discord
Thetis and Peleus Judgement of Paris (Lucian, Dialogues of the Gods, Fowler trs) (Ovid, Fasti) Paris and Helen (Ovid, Heroides) Achilles (Iliad, Emily Wilson trs) Trojan War (Ovid, Metamorphoses, Bk 13, Stephenie MacCarter trs) (Sophocles, Ajax) Fall of Troy (Euripides, Trojan Women, Emily Wilson trs) (Euripides, Hecuba) Agamemnon (Aeschylus, Orestia Trilogy, Ted Hugh trs) (Sophocles, Electra) (Euripides, Helen) Odysseus (Odyssey, Emily Wilson trs) Aeneas (Aeneid, Sarah Ruden trs; David West trs)


所願: 角色扮演 ?
異志: 幻想自己是 Harold Pinter 話劇 The Lover 中的主角?

列異傳 (Yang, HY and Gladys trs., The Man Who Sold a Ghost)

Woman into carp:
A man of Pengcheng took a wife 彭城有男子娶婦
but had no liking for her, 不悅之
and started sleeping outside. 在外宿
After a month or more 月餘日
she asked: 婦曰:
"Why don't you come home?" 何故不復入?
"Because you slip out every night," was his reply.

出 = 離開自己的房間 (過來這處) ?

"I never have!" she declared. 婦曰:我初不出
Her husband was surprised. 婿
His wife told him: 婦云:
"As you let your fancy wander, 君自有異志
you have been bewitched." 當為他所惑耳
"Next time someone comes, 後有至者
seize hold of her 君便抱留之
and fetch a light to find out 索火照視之
what creature it is." 為何物

初 = 一直, 始終

Later on a strange woman came 後所願還至
pretending to be his wife, 故作其婦
but hesitated on the threshold 前卻未入
and had to be pushed in. 有一人從後推令前
As soon as she was in bed 即上床
the man seized her and asked: 婿捉之曰:
"Why do you go out every night?" 夜夜出何為?
"You are having an affair with that girl in the east house," was the answer. 婦曰:君與東舍女往來而
"You have made up this story of ghosts 欲托鬼魅
to excuse yourself." 以前約相掩耳
Then he let her off 婿放之
and they slept together. 與共臥

有一人 = 似有一人? 誰? (彭城男自己?)
彼當夜在家, 還是在外宿 ?
東舍女 = ? (其妻?)
前約 = 索火照視之為何物 ?

In the middle of the night 夜半
it came to him: 心悟
"I am bewitched--- 乃計曰:魅迷人
this is not my wife!" 非是我婦也
He seized her 乃向前攬捉
and shouted for a torch. 大呼求火
The woman shrank and shrivelled, 稍稍縮小
and when he looked 發而視之
she was a carp two feet long. 得一鯉魚長二尺

稍稍 = 漸漸

這故事實在費解. 尤其楊譯這一句 "You have made up this story of ghosts to excuse yourself." 主語用 you, 如此一來更撲索迷離.


If ye love me (Thomas Tallis)

約翰福音 14: 15-17

The King's Singers - If ye love me (Thomas Tallis) 爾若愛予,宜守吾誡命。予當求父另遣保慰恩師,永與爾偕;恩師非他,真諦之神是也。 (吳經熊, 新經全譯)

If ye love me, keep my commandments.
And I will pray the Father,
and he shall give you another comforter,
that he may 'bide with you forever;
E'en the sp'rit of truth.
— John 14:15–17


David West (Aeneid)

David West 的 Aeneid 譯本引言 (Penguin) 十分精彩, 尤其是 Book by Book 與 In Its Own Time 兩節,寫得極好。 (引言全篇共三節。:)
