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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)


1. 植樹問題
Fence post problem (off-by-one error)

2. 果園問題 / 行樹問題 / 九樹十行問題
Orchard-planting problem / tree-planting problem

3. 歐幾里得果園
Euclid's orchard

Ovid's Tristia V


1. Mournful
2. Prayer to Casesar
3. Festival of Bacchus
4. You'll know what to do and will do what you can
5. Wife's birthday
6. Friend, do you abandon me now?
7. About Getae, the local people
8. Lowest of low, you are immense
9. I am in your debt
10. Every moment's a blow
11. Not an exile's wife
12. Ask Priam to frolic at Hector's death
13. I send you a Health
14. Praise to wife

Lord Jesus, Think on Me

Synesius of Cyrene, Bishop of Ptolemais
trs. by Allen William Chatfield

Tune: SOUTHWELL (Daman)
Collegiate Church of St Mary Warwick Choir

1. Lord Jesus, think on me,
and purge away my sin;
from earth-born passions set me free,
and make me pure within.

2. Lord Jesus, think on me
Amid the battle’s strife;
In all my pain and misery
Be Thou my Health and Life.

3. Lord Jesus, think on me,
with care and woe oppressed,
let me Thy loving servant be,
and taste Thy promised rest.

4. Lord Jesus, think on me,
nor let me go astray;
through darkness and perplexity
point Thou the heav'nly way.

5. Lord Jesus, think on me,
that, when the flood is past,
I may eternal brightness see,
and share Thy joy at last.

6. Lord Jesus, think on me
That I may sing above
To Father, Spirit, and to Thee
The strains of praise and love.


二版普天頌讚 59

From glory to glory advancing (C. W. Humphreys)
Liturgy of St. James, 4th century
楊蔭瀏譯 1931

Tune: Sheen, St. Keverne (Lang)



From glory to glory advancing, we praise thee, O Lord; / thy name with the Father and Spirit be ever adored. / From strength unto strength we go forward on Sion's highway, / to appear before God in the city of infinite day.

Thanksgiving and glory and worship and blessing and love, / one heart and one song have the saints upon earth and above. / Evermore, O Lord, to thy servants thy presence be nigh; / ever fit us by service on earth for thy service on high.

I bind unto myself this day (St Patrick's Breastplate)
(Dublin 1982 John Dexter), (Hymn Channel), Saint Dominic ChurchBarnaby Huish (St Margaret's Church);
Vox Hiberniae - St. Patrick's Breastplate (John O'Keeffe)


Lady Chatterley


p.4, 10, 11, etc:
baronet 不是男爵 baron, 而是從男爵. 所以 Clifford 襲爵後的稱呼是 Sir Clifford 不是 Lord Chatterley.

p.123 L.1: 看見

p.142 #5.1: 浪[慢]史---漫.

P.231 #2.8: [勤]格貝---勒

P.245 #-1.3, P.367, #5.2: 想作 = ?

P.246 #2.1: 王后---女皇

P.348 #2.(-1): 開引號 where?

* * *

p.17: 監理會教徒---循道宗的教徒. Methodists 在英國稱循道會. 在美北稱美以美會, 在美南才稱監理會. (1939年南北復合後稱衛理會) 監指監督/會督, 是主教的別稱. 英國的 Methodist Church 不設主教, 所以無監理之稱.

P.238: 原始派監理會---Primitive 原始派循道會 (循原會)
維斯萊派---Wesleyan 衛斯理派 (衛斯理宗循道會)
自由派---Congregational 公理會

P.428: 依式定做 vs 度身訂做. 定/訂二字用得真貼切.

約伯記 7

7: 1--4, 6--7

人生在世,豈不像服兵役?人的歲月,豈不像傭工的時日? 有如奴工切望陰涼,傭工期待工資: 這樣,我也只有承受失意的歲月,承受為我註定的苦痛長夜。 我臥下時說:「幾時天亮?」起來時說:「黑夜何時才到?」 我整夜輾轉反側,直到天亮。 歲月流逝,速於織梭,也因無望而中斷。 請記念我:生命無非像一口氣,我的雙眼再也見不到幸福。