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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)

隕穫, 充詘



隕穫 = 困迫失志, 憂悶不安.
充詘 = 得意忘形而失去操守. 詘音/屈/.

* * *

撙節. 撙音/轉/



這業海, 打一千個家阿撲逃不去,
那窮坑, 你便旋十萬個翻身急切𥚃也跳不出.


Hawkes, The Story of the Stone Ch.59:

Patience looked in to see what the trouble was. ‘Forget about it!’ said Aroma. ‘It’s all over.’

‘Well, they say “where mercy is possible, mercy should be shown”,’ Patience observed. ‘If you can see your way to letting her off, it certainly saves us some trouble.

I can’t understand it, though. It’s only a few days since Their Ladyships left, yet already the whole place seems to be in a state of mutiny.

Before I’ve finished dealing with trouble in one place, it crops up in another. I scarcely know which way to turn.’

‘I thought we were the only ones,’ said Aroma. ‘I didn’t realize there were others.’

‘Oh, this is nothing!’ said Patience. ‘There have been seven or eight outbreaks just during these last three or four days.
平兒笑道:「這算什麼。正和珍大奶奶算呢,這三四日的工夫, 一共大小出來了八九件了。

Compared with the others, this trouble of yours is a very minor affair. We’ve had something much more upsetting---and more ridiculous – than this to contend with.’

Aroma was curious to know what it was. But as to whether Patience told her or not, that will be revealed in the chapter which follows.



Hawkes, The Story of the Stone Ch.60:

Aroma, you will recall, had asked Patience what in particular it was that had been giving her so much trouble.


Patience smiled mysteriously: ‘Something no one would ever guess. You’ll have a good laugh when I tell you. I won’t tell you for a few days yet, though, because I still haven’t quite got to the bottom of it---and I haven’t got time now, in any case.’

平兒笑道:「都是世人想不到的,說來也好笑, 等幾日告訴你,如今沒頭緒呢,且也不得閒兒。」

As if to prove that this was so, one of Li Wan’s little maids arrived at that very moment: ‘Miss Patience? Oh, there you are! Mrs Zhu’s waiting for you. Why don’t you come?’

一語未了,只見李紈的丫鬟來了, 說:「平姐姐可在這裡,奶奶等你,你怎麼不去了?」

‘I’m coming, I’m coming,’ said Patience, breaking away from the others with a laugh and hurrying after her.


Aroma and the others laughed, too. ‘She’s grown as popular as hot cakes since her mistress’s illness: everyone wants her at once!’


Patience’s business with Li Wan is no part of our story. We remain with Bao-yu and the rest at Green Delights.



廬隱 - 海濱故人

在這一個暑假裡, 寂寞的松林和無言的海流, 被五個女孩點染得十分熱鬧, 她們對著白浪低吟, 對著激潮高歌, 對著朝霞微笑, 有時竟對著海月垂淚.

點染, 熱鬧
白浪, 激潮, 朝霞, 海月
低吟, 高歌, 微笑, 垂淚

DSE 2021 physics elective

看 DSE 物理選修卷, MC 憑常識常理, 略加些少科普知識, 答案差可猜中八九成.

以 2021 的 Astro 天文卷為例:

1.1 楕圓軌道, 運行速率自然並不恆定. 近時快, 遠時慢. 故 B.

1.2 行星離太陽越遠, 公轉周期 T 越長, 是故非 B 則 D, 此其一.

引力為 1/r^2, 向心加速度為 r/T^2 (單位使然). 兩者「相等」, 所以 r 為 T^2 的函數.
T^2 = 2^6, 無論開甚麼次方, 也得不到 \sqrt 2. 此其二. 故 B.

(查實 Kepler's 3rd law: T^2 正比於 r^3)

1.3 地心說借助均輪, 可解釋火星逆行, 但無法解釋木星何以有衛星繞其運行, 以及金星伴日出沒, 何以有圓缺. 故 D.

1.4 顧名思義, 名喚視星等, 自然關乎觀星者接收到多少光, 而絕對星等則與觀星者無關. 故 D 對, C 錯.

1.5 光度與距離, 必涉及平方 (light spot 面積), 故非 A 即 D. 至於視差大, 是近是遠, 則須知道定義, 只好斷估.
(視差反比於距離, 越大越近, 故 A.)

1.6 宇宙膨脹, 越遠的星系, 後退越急, 紅移越厲害. 故 D.

1.7 留意選項 (3) 中核心二字. 恆星核心的光, 根本走不到表面. 所謂恆星的吸收光譜, 只反映恆星表面的情況. 選項 (3) 必錯, 故 A.

1.8 紅移. 火焰顏色, 越紅越低溫. 故D.