銖頭銖腦, 銖音殊, 銖鈍, 刀口不鋒利
涼蔭蔭 (百花亭第三折)
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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)
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四十多年前倫敦舊書展我在愛丁堡老闆娘的攤位上買了夏洛蒂的維萊特 (Villette), 老闆娘說我來晚了一步, 杜拉克畫插圖的簡愛剛給一位女老師買走了, 說是她跟同居多年的男人分了手, 天天困在家裡等雨停, 像簡愛開頭寫的那段話, 難得畫家畫得那麼好, 彩色印得也漂亮: 也許是人生吧, 老闆娘呷了一口清水潤了潤喉嚨說, 總有等待雨停的時候. 誰像卓別靈那麼看得開, 喜歡冒兩趕路, 說這樣誰都看不到他的眼淚!
她說的其實是 Agatha Christie 小說裡的話, 說我們這幫讀書人最愛吃, 不吃得飽飽的不行! ...... Intellectual people always seem to need a good deal of food.
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Countless goats live there but people never vitst it.
No hunters labour through its woods to scale
its hilly peaks. There are no flocks of sheep,
no fields of plowland---it is all untilled,
unsown and uninhabited by humans.
Only the bleating goats live there and graze.
So we sailed on, with sorrow in our hearts,
glad to survive, but grieving for our friends.