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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)

smart board (備忘)

touch-screen white board
smart board

key capability
1. word recognition and image recognition
2. objectify drawings
3. touch screen with bare hands
easy drag

1. low-tech: semi-raw materials needed
2. back to blackboard world and real objects (flexibility and interactive experience)
3. real use of computer in classroom (e.g. making schedule with calender together)
4. 貓紙
5. beyond blackboard: e.g. developing mind map while putting parts aside.


:: Blogger C.M. (20.12.07, 18:18   ) sagt...

令小弟諗起n年前既light pen... 懷念。

:: Blogger sf (23.12.07, 00:16   ) sagt...

CM, 現在好像不見有人用light pen似的了.

:: Blogger Samsara (24.12.07, 11:38   ) sagt...



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