Church History 300--1970s

from 劉子睿, via Pakkin@Blog
*313 Constantine and Licinius, emperors; so-called Edict of Milan and recognition for Christians; Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea.
323 Pachomius founds `monastery' at Tabenriisi.
325 Nicaea, the first General Council; condemns Anus.
328 Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria.
340--383 Ulfilas, mission to the Goths.
347 Donatism, North Africa.
356 Antony dies.
361 Julian, emperor, favors pagans.
370--2 Cappadodan Fathers: Gregory of Nyssa, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianzus, made bishops; Martin, bishop of Tours.
381 Constantinople, the second General Council; Arians and Apollinanians comdemned.
388--90 Clash between Emperor Theodosius and Ambrose, bishop of Milan.
395 Augustine, bishop of Hippo Regius.
410 Fall of Rome; Alaric, king of the Goths.
420 Jerome dies.
430 Augustine dies.
431 Ephesus, the third General Council; Nestorius condemned.
*440 Pope Leo I, papal theory develops.
441 Patrick begins missionary work in Ireland.
451 Chalcedon, the fourth General Council; Eutyches condemned; Chalcedonian Definition.
496 Clovis, king of the Franks, baptized.
527 Justinian, emperor.
540 Benedict of Nursia issues monastic rule.
563 Columba to Iona off Scotland.
590 Pope Gregory the Great.
597 Augustine of Canterbury arrives in England.
632 Death of Mohammed; Muslim conquest begun.
651 Aidan of Lindisfarne dies.
663--4 Synod of Whitby; clash between Celtic and Roman missions; Hilda, Abbess of Whitby.
669 Theodore of Tarsus, archbishop of Canterbury, organizes English Chuich.
690 Willibrord of Ripon, mission to Frisia, Denmark, Hesse, Bavaria, and Thuringia.
718 Boniface, or Wynfrith, joins Willibrord and in 732 becomes archbishop of Mainz.
732 Defeat of Muslims at Tours and Poitiers by Charles Mantel.
782 Benedict of Aniane, monastic reformer.
800 Coronation of Charlemagne as emperor by Pope Leo III.
817 Council of Aachen.
850 Viking conquests of England.
910 Cluny, monastic reform.
950 Age of feudalism and the manorial system in Europe.
1054 Schism between East and West.
1077 Emperor Henry IV humiliated by Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand) at Canossa.
1084 Carthusians begin.
1095 Crusades to recover Holy Land begin.
1098 Cistercians begin.
1099 Jerusalem taken by Crusaders.
1109 Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, dies.
1122 Concordat of Worms; end of Investiture controversy.
1142 Abelard, theologian, dies.
1147 Ailred, abbot of Rievaulx.
1164 Heloise, French abbess, dies.
1179 College of Cardinials.
1204 Fourth Crusade, sack of Constantinople.
1208 England, under King John, under interdict.
1215 Fourth Lateran Council; Pope Innocent VI.
1221 Dominic, founder of Dominican Order, dies.
1223 Francis of Assisi, rule approved for Franciscan Order.
1253 Clare of Assisi dies.
1274 Thomas Aquinas dies.
1291 Last Crusader territory in Holy Land lost.
1293 John of Monte Corvino reaches Khanbalik (Peking), China.
1302 Pope Boniface VIII; Unam Sanctam.
1309 Avignon papacy.
1311--21 Dante's Divine Comedy.
1347 Black Death begins.
1378 Papal schism; Conciliarism.
1380 Catherine of Siena dies.
*1384 John Wyclif of Oxford dies; Lollards continue his reform ideas.
1414--18 Council of Constance; John Hus, Bohemian reformer, burned 1415.
1445 Gutenberg, printing with movable metal type.
1487 Baktholomew Diaz rounds Cape of Good Hope.
1492 Columbus lands at San Salvador in the `New World'.
1493--4 Pope Alexander VI divides newly discovered lands between Portugal and Spain.
*1509 Henry VIII, king of England.
1513 Machivelli, The Prince; Balboa reaches Pacific Ocean.
*1516 Erasmus of Rotterdam, Greek New Testament.
*1517 Martin Luther, Ninety-Five Theses.
1519 Cortez begins conquest of Mexico.
1526 William Tyndale, English New Testament.
1529 Fall of Cardinal Wolsey, England.
1533 Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury.
*1534 Royal supremacy enacted by law in England.
*1535 Thomas More, executed.
1539 The Great Bible.
*1540 Jesuits founded by Ignatius of Loyola, recognized by papacy.
*1541 Calvin organizes the Genevan Church.
1543 Nicholas Copernicus dies.
1547 Edward VI, King of England.
1549 First Book of Common Prayer; Francis Xavier, Jesuit missionary in Japan.
1552 Second Book of Common Prayer.
1553 Mary, Queen of England.
1555 Hugh Latimer, bishop of Worchester, and Nicholas Ridley, bishop of London, executed.
1556 Thomas Cranmer executed.
1558 Elizabeth I, queen of England.
1562 John Jewel, bishop of Salisbury, Apology of the Church of England.
1565 Puritanism rising.
1571 Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion.
*1588 Spanish Armada.
1592 Michel de Montaigne dies.
1593 Richard Hooker, Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity.
1604 Hampton Court Conference; King James I.
1607 Jamestown, Virginia, colonized.
1608 Samuel Champlain at Quebec.
1611 King James version of the Bible.
1618 Thirty Years War begun.
1621 John Donne, dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, London.
1626 Lancelot Andrewes, bishop of Winchester, dies.
1632 George Herbert, priest and poet, dies.
1633 William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury.
1642 Civil War in England.
*1648 Peace of Westphalia ends Thrity Years War.
1649 Charles I, king of England, executed.
1658 Oliver Cromwell dies.
1660 Restoration of monarchy and church in England.
1661 Savoy Conference.
1688 Bloodless revolution in England.
1690 John Eliot, missionary to American Indians, dies.
1698 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK).
1701 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (SPG).
1714 Religious revival in Wales; beginning of Evangelical revival.
1729 John and Charles Wesley, the Holy Club at Oxford.
1734 First Great Awakening in America; Jonathan dwards.
1739 George Whitfleld preaching.
1752 Joseph Butler, bishop of Durham, author of Analogy of Religion, dies.
1776 American Revolution; James Madison; Virginia Bill of Rights; religious freedom.
1782 William White's Case of the Episcopal Church Considered.
1784 Samuel Seabury consecratd bishop in Scotland.
1785 Thomas, Jeffison's Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom.
1789 Founding convention of the Episcopal Church in the USA.
1791 Selina, countess of Huntingdon, dies.
1793 William White's Case of the Episcopal Church of Protestant missions begun.
1795 Methodist Church; London Missionary Society.
1799 Church Missionary Society, John Venn, Evangelical.
1801 Second Great Awakening; Deveraux Jarrat dies.
1805 Henry Martyn, Anglican missionary to India.
1811 John Henry Hobart, bishop of New York.
1812 American Board sends Adoniram Judson and others to Orient.
1820 Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.
1826 American Home Missionary Society.
1833 John Keble's Assize Sermon, beginning of Oxford Movement, Tracts for the Times; Hannah More and William Wilberforce die.
1836 Charles Simeon dies; mission to Liberia begins.
1841 William Meade, bishop of Virginia.
1844 William Boone, first overseas missionary Bishop of the Episcopal Church.
1845 J.H. Newman converted to Roman Catholic Church.
1848 Christian Socialism begins, F.D. Maurice, J.M. Ludlow, Charles Kingsley, leaders.
1850 John Payne, bishop of Liberia.
1855 Ritualist Controversy in England, first court case.
1861 James T. Holly begins mission to Haiti.
1865 Society of St. John the Evangelist, R.M. Benson.
1867 First Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops.
1870 William Reed Huntington, The Church Idea.
1874 Church Congress, USA.
1880 Racist persecution of Samuel Crowther, ex-slave, bishop of the Niger Territories during this decade.
1882 Edward Bouverie Pusey, Anglo-Catholic leader, dies; William Rainsford, institutional church in New York City.
1883 Frederick C. Ewer, Tractarian leader in America, dies.
1887 Church Association for the Advancement of the Interests of Labor (CAIL)
1888 Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral.
1891 Philips Brooks, bishop of Massachusetts; Christian Social Union.
1895 Student Christian Federation, John R. Mott.
1908 Federal Council of Churches in USA.
1910 First World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh; Theodore Munger, `New Theology', dies.
1912 V.S. Azanah, bishop of Dornakal in India.
1914 World War I.
1917 Russian revolution.
1919 National Council of the Episcopal Church; Church League for Social and Industrial Democracy.
1920 Lambeth appeal for reunion, `To All Christian People'.
1921 International Missionary Council.
1925 Universal Conference of Life and Work, Stockholm, Sweden.
1927 Faith and Order Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, Charles Henry Brent.
1935 Jane Addanms, founder of Hull House in Chicago, dies.
1938 International Missionary Council, Tambaram, India, missionary church heard.
1939 World War II.
1942 William Temple, archbishop of Canterbury.
1947 British withdraw from India; Church of South India.
1948 First meeting of World Council of Churches, Amsterdam.
1950 National Council of Churches, USA.
1951 H. Richard Niebuhr, Christ and Culture.
1960 Geoffrey Francis Fisher, archbishop of Canterbury meets with Pope John XXIII; Anglican-Roman Catholic International Committee results.
1961 Consultation on Church Union (COCU) begins.
*1963 Vatican II, Pope John XXIII; Anglican Congress, Toronto, Canada, Mutual Responsibility and Interdependence.
1965 Paul Tillich, Protestant theologian, dies.
1970 Plan of Union for the Churches of Christ Uniting; Reinhold Niebubr dies.
1973 Anglican Consultative Council, Dublin, Ireland, `Partners in Mission'.
1976 Proposed Book of Common Prayer and ordination of women priests in Episcopal Church.
*1977 Janani Luwum, archbishop of Uganda, martyred; partners in Mission Consultation in USA.
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