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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)

Here I Am Lord 如今我來

Daniel L. Schutte


I, the Lord of sea and sky 我造滄海與高天,
I have heard my people cry 卻又聽萬民痛哭,
All who dwell in dark and sin 幽暗與罪過枷鎖,
My hand will save. 定要解破;

I who made the stars and night 我造璀璨晚星空,
I will make the darkness bright 以讓暗夜呈曙光,
Who will bear my light to them 今呼你亮照世上,
Whom shall I send? 能召你否?

Here I am, Lord 如今我來,
Is it I, Lord? 敬請差我!
I have heard you calling in the night 上帝呼聲 深宵側耳聽
I will go, Lord 重申「我來」,
If you lead me 袮手牽引,
I will hold your people in my heart. 為眾生決將心獻給袮

I the Lord of snow and rain 我造霜雪雨水點,
I have borne my people's pain 也願背萬人痛軛,
I have wept for love of them 雖因愛為眾滲淚,
They turn away. 其叛拒迎,

I will break their hearts of stone 我定解化石般心,
Fill their hearts with love alone 注入信望憐愛心,
I will speak my word to them 親口訓示這聖道,
Whom shall I send? 能召你否?

I, the Lord of wind and flame, 我造煙火與清風,
I will tend the poor and lame. 更讓困共殘靠緊,
I will set a feast for them, 恩典救贖免過犯,
My hand will save 筵席滿盈,

Finest bread I will provide, 我願頒賜永生餅,
Till their hearts be satisfied. 餵萬眾屬靈滿足,
I will give My life to them, 親身獻奉作祭祠,
Whom shall I send? 能召你否?


:: Blogger Lim (16.06.20, 02:39   ) sagt...

I am doing my devotion reading Proverbs 28-31 and the song came to my mind.
Please do not give up but be wise and careful.
The Lord of Sea and Sky do know what is going on.
Proverbs 28:14 If a king judges the poor with truth,
His throne will be established forever
(26 Many seek the ruler’s favor,
But justice for man comes from the Lord)

Lim from overseas


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