Hawkes, The Story of the Stone ch.1:
One day, in the midst of its lamentings, it saw a monk and a Taoist approaching from a great distance, each of them remarkable for certain eccentricities of manner and appearance.
When they arrived at the foot of Greensickness Peak, they sat down on the ground and began to talk.
1.1. One day = 一日
1.2. in the midst of its lamentings = 正當嗟悼之際
1.2. it saw a monk and a Taoist = 俄見一僧一道
1.3. approaching from a great distance = 遠遠而來
1.4. each of them remarkable for certain eccentricities of manner and appearance = 生得骨格不凡,丰神迥異
2.1. When they arrived at the foot of Greensickness Peak = 來到這青埂峰下
2.2. they sat down on the ground and began to talk = 席地坐談
2.2.1. sat down on the ground = 席地
2.2.2. begain to talk = 坐談
The monk catching sight of a lustrous, translucent stone --- it was in fact the rejected building block which had now shrunk itself to the size of a fan-pendant and looked very attractive in tis new shape --- took it up on the palm of his hand and addressed it with a smile: ...
1.1. The monk catching sight of a lustrous, translucent stone = 見著這塊鮮瑩明潔的石頭
1.2. it was in fact the rejected building block which had now shrunk itself to the size of a fan-pendant = 且又縮成扇墜一般
1.2.1. it was in fact the rejected building block = 且又
1.4. and looked very attractive in its new shape = 甚屬可愛
1.5. took it up on the palm of his hand and addressed it with a smile = 那僧托於掌上,笑道
1.5.1. with a smile = 笑
1.5.2. addressed it = 道
`Ha, I see you have magical properties! But nothing to recommend you. I shall have to cut a few words on you so that anyone seeing you will know at once that you are something special.
1.1. Ha, I see you have magical properties = 形體倒也是個靈物了
1.2. But nothing to recommend you = 只是沒有實在的好處
1.3. I shall have to cut a few words on you = 須得再鐫上幾個字
1.4. so that anyone seeing you = 使人人見了
1.5. will know at once that you are something special = 便知你是件奇物
1.5.1. will know at once = 便知
`After that I shall take you to a certain brilliant / successful / poetical / cultivated / aristocratic / elegant / delectable / luxurious / opulent locality on a little trip.'
1.1. After that I shall take you to a certain locality on a little trip
= 然後攜你到裡去走一遭
1.2. brilliant successful = 昌明隆盛之邦
1.3. poetical cultivated aristocratic = 詩禮簪纓之族
1.4. elegant delectable = 花柳繁華之地
1.5. luxurious opulent = 溫柔富貴之鄉
The stone was delighted. `What words will you cut? Where is this place you will take me to? I beg to be enlightened.'
`Do not ask', replied the monk with a laugh. `You will know soon enough when the time comes.'
1.1. The stone was delighted = 石頭聽了大喜
1.2. What words will you cut? = 不知可鐫何字?
1.3. Where is this place you will take me to? = 攜到何方?
1.4. I beg to be enlightened = 望乞明示
1.4.1. beg = 望乞
1.4.2. enlightened = 明示
2.1. Do not ask = 你且莫問
2.2. replied the monk with a laugh = 那僧笑道
2.3. You will know soon enough when the time comes = 日後自然明白
And with that he slipped the stone into his sleeve and set off at a great pace with the Taoist. But where they both went to I have no idea.
1.1. And with that = 說畢
1.2. he slipped the stone into his sleeve = 便袖了
1.3. and set off at a great pace with the Taoist = 同那道人飄然而去
1.3.1. at a great pace = 飄然
1.3.2. set off = 而去
1.4. But where they both went to I have no idea = 竟不知投向何方。
Labels: stone
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