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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)


Jn 21:18 (Sarah Ruden)
when you were a young man, you belted up your clothes and walked around wherever you wanted. But when you get old, you'll stretch out your hands, and someone else will truss you in a belt and take you where you don't want to go.

年輕時你自己束腰, 來去自如, 到老來伸出雙手, 任人束縛, 解到不願意去的地方. (約 21:18, 拙譯)

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Agape and phila

魯益斯寫過一部書叫 The Four Love, 說愛之為愛有四種, 或者四個層次:
Storge --- empathy bond
Philia --- friend bond
Eros --- romantic love
Agape --- unconditional `God' love

約翰福音載耶穌復活後, 在提毗利亞湖邊, 曾經連問彼得三次是否愛他. 對答中的愛字, 兩人用字不同, 前後不同. 這一點, 大概是教徒耳熟能詳的常識. 差別只在於大家如何理解用字的轉變, 如何演繹箇中的含意.

Sarah Ruden 譯約翰福音 21:15--18:

15 Then when they'd had breakfast, Iesous (Jesus) spoke to Simon Petros (Peter): `Simon, son of Ioannes: do you love me (agapao) more than these others do?' Simon said to him, `Yes, master, you know I'm your close friend (phileo).' Iesous said to him: `Pasture my lambs.'

16 Iesous spoke to him again, a second time: `Simon, son of Ioannes, do you love me?' Simon said to him, `Yes, master, you know I'm your close friend.' Iesous said to him, `Shepherd my sheep.'

17 Iesous spoke to him a third time: `Simon, son of Ioannes, are you my close friend?' Petros was aggravated that Iesous had spoken to him a third time, now saying, `Are you my close friend?' Now Petros said to him, `Master, you know everything; you recognize that I am your close friend.' [Iesous] said to him, `Pasture my sheep.* 18 Amen amen, I tell you ...'

第 17 節的註, 直指為捉弄:

(Note: [*] The humor here hangs on the difference between the verbs agapao and fileo ... It sounds like a mercilessly teasing lesson that personal feelings do not matter, a lesson from a leader who has shown another follower (John) striking personal favoritism.)

耶穌連問兩次, 彼得死口不肯說 agapao, 只肯說 phileo. 耶穌第三次也改口了 (其實第二次已經鬆了口刪去 `more than these others (do)?') 遷就彼得的用字再問他, 好了好了, phileo 就 phileo, 那你 phileo 我嗎? 如此一來, 彼得反而窘態畢露, 心理上無可逃避.

別以為 close friend 輕可, close friend 已經 說到殉道的份上了.

18 Amen amen, I tell you: when you were a young man, you belted up your clothes and walked around wherever you wanted. But when you get old, you'll stretch out your hands, and someone else will truss you in a belt and take you where you don't want to go.' ... (19b) And having said this, he told him, `Follow me.'

彼得的反應是: (20--21)

20 Turning around, ... Petros said to Iesous, `But Master, what about him?'

看來彼得還是無法直面耶穌的問題: `Simon, do you love me?'

回想起來, 耶穌「易容改裝」, 彼得望著眼前陌生的樣子, 到底是易些回答還是難些回答, 反而說不定了.

* 溯洄從之: 沒有一個敢問他你是誰: FACE OFF的橋段, 二千年前的版本. ----- 試把第 14 節下半「門徒中沒有一個敢問他你是誰? ...... 向門徒顯現,這已是第三次。」一段刪去重讀, 就可以看出當中的錯愕與不踏實, 是故事寫法刻意營造的氣氛.


Edward Lear

Nonsense Songs 仿諷詩

The Jumblies (Rory Kinnear, Leeds Lieder 2016)

They went to sea in a Sieve, they did,
In a Sieve they went to sea:
In spite of all their friends could say,
On a winter's morn, on a stormy day,
In a Sieve they went to sea!

* * *

The Owl and the Pussycat (Leeds Lieder 2016)

And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.

(Also see BBC Secret Life of Book 2015 S2 part 2.)
