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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)

Saves 100%

Moscow Puzzles, 184:
184. Can you get 100 percent savings?

One invention saves 30% on fuel; a second, 45%; and a third, 25%. If you use all three at once can you save 100%? If not, how much?

184. No invention can save 100% on fuel, since energy cannot arise from nothing.

The correct calculation is not 30% + 45% + 25% = 100%, but
100% - (1 - 30%)(1 - 45%)(1 - 25%)
= 100% - (70% * 55% * 75%)
= 71.25%

This assumes the three inventions are independent in effect.

get 100% savings
saves 30% on fuel
a second, 45%; and
100%? If not, ...
since energy cannot arise from nothing
correct calulation
This assumes ...

Met., Book 2

Ovid's Metamorphoses

But favour shown today can fade tomorrow. (bk2, Callisto, p.56c)

My fate should serve as warning for all birds: do not court troube; curb your tongue, your talk. (bk2, crow, P.62c)


搜神記, 卷十一 (英譯: 楊憲益 戴乃迭, 六朝小說選. Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang, The Man Who Sold a Ghost)

Han Ping and his wife:

Han Ping, steward to Prince Kang of Song, married a beautiful daughter of the He family. But the prince took her from him. When he protested, he was imprisoned and sentenced to hard labor on the city wall.

宋康王舍人韓憑,娶妻何氏,美,康王奪之。 憑怨,王囚之,論為城旦。

Then his wife secretly wrote to him to say: Rain, ceaseless rain, / Great the river, deep the water, / Yet there is sunrise in my heart.


This letter fell into the hands of the prince, who showed it to his followers, but no one could make out its meaning.


Then the minister Su He said: "The first line means that she is longing for him all the time, the second that they have no way of getting in touch, the third that she intends to take her life." Then Han Ping killed himself.

臣蘇賀對曰: 「其雨淫淫,言愁且思也;河大水深,不得往來也;日出當心,心有死志也。」 俄而憑乃自殺。

His wife secretly tore her clothes. When the prince went up the tower with her, she threw herself from the top; and when his followers tried to seize her, her clothes tore away and she was dashed to death.


On her belt she had left this message: "Your Highness wishes me to live, but your servant chose to die. Please bury me with Han Ping."


The prince was angry and refused her request, ordering the local people to bury her in a separate grave.


"You speak of your endless love," said the prince. "If you can make these tombs come together, I will not stand in your way."


Then within one day two great catalpa trees sprang up above the two graves. In ten days they grew to an enormous size, and their branches inclined towards each other, their roots intertwined together beneath the soil, and their twigs interwound above.


And two love birds, one male and one female, stayed on these trees, not departing morning or night. They billed and cooed most plaintively, and uttered heart-rending cries.


The people of Song lamented the lovers' death and gave this tree the name "the tree of love." The southerners say the birds were the spirits of Han Ping and his wife.

宋人哀之,遂號其木曰相思樹。(相思之名,起於此也。) 南人謂此禽即韓憑夫婦之精魂。

In Suiyang today there is a town named Han Ping, and people still sing of the lovers.




Lord Chesterfield's Letters (oup)

28 June 1742, To his son:

Dear Boy,

Your promises give me great pleasure; and your performance of them, which I rely upon, will give me still greater. I am sure you know that breaking of your word is a folly, a dishonour, and a crime.

It is a folly, because nobody will trust you afterwards; and it is both a dishonour and a crime, truth being the first duty of religion and morality: and whoever has not truth, cannot be supposed to have any one good quality, and must become the detestation of God and man.


Consider, then, which you would choose; to attend diligently while you are learning ... and have great deal more time to play; or else not mind your book, ... and have no time to play at all; for, I assure you, if you will not learn, you shall not play.

無限上綱, 極盡恐嚇之能事.

大抵鐘鳴鼎食之家, 世代簪纓之族, 治家嚴者, 或者莫不如此. 比諸紅樓夢中, 賈母論管教寶玉之語: .....

Hong Kong Blues

Song by Hoagy Carmichael

Cricket - Hong Kong Blues (To Have and Have Not, 1944)(youtube)

It's the story of a very unfortunate colored man / Who got arrested down in old Hong Kong / He got twenty years privilege taken away from him / When he kicked old Buddha's gong

And now he's poppin' the piano just to raise the price / Of a ticket to the land of the free / Well, he say his home's in Frisco where they send the rice / But it's really in Tennessee

That's why he said, "I need someone to love me / Need somebody to carry me home to San Francisco / And bury my body there / Oh, I need someone to lend me a fifty dollar bill and then / I'll leave Hong Kong (far) behind me for happiness once again"

Won't somebody believe / I've a yen to see that Bay again? / But when I try to leave / Sweet opium won't let me fly away

I need someone to love me / Need somebody to carry me home to San Francisco / And bury my body there

That's the story of a very unfortunate colored man / Who got arrested down in old Hong Kong / He got twenty years privilege taken away from him / When he kicked old Buddha's gong



(a) 3758 - 1732 = ?
每個位也夠減, nice case.
由左至右, 逐一減, 得 2026

(b) 3732 - 1768 = ?
有位不夠減, 則由右至左, 個十百千.

第一, 記得合成十的好朋友:
9/1, 8/2, 7/3, 6/4, 5/5

第二, 看差額. 細減大則取好朋友.
例如個位細減大, 2,8 差 6, 為 4.

第三, 看看右邊有否賖數, 有則要還, 再減一.
已知 3732 - 1768 = ...4
十位 3,6 差 3 為 7; 前數 2,8 有賖, 故 6.
百位 7,7 差 0; 前數 32,58 有賖, 故 9 (=10-1).
千位 3,1 差 2; 前數 732,758 有賖, 故 1.

由此可得, 答案為 1964.

(c) 上例的左至右計法
3732 - 1768 = ?
32 - 68 不夠減.
37 - 17 夠減, 20, 右邊有借, 故 19.
3,6 差 3 為 7; 有借, 故 6.
2,8 差 6, 故 4.
得 1964.

如一望而知 132 - 68 = 64,
可直接得 1964.
