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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)


付梓了這樣安排最好, 之後可以交檔案館保全, 又不致不見天日.

宋淇譯 David Hawkes 來信一段 (15/6/80, p.24, v.2):

I had not realized when I wrote the 西人管窺 article, how similar my views are to 張愛玲 's. Re-reading parts of the 紅樓夢魘 you once sent me, I feel quite dismayed. It might seem to some people that I have simply copied her ideas without acknowledgement. Well, it serves me right for being so lazy.

撰<西人管窺>一文時, 未嘗 了悟 自己與張愛玲看法何其相近, 直到 重讀一部分尊兄先前惠贈的《紅樓夢魘》, 方才 𡙁然若失. 或有 讀者看了 以為我僅是從她書中 暗暗 抄來主意! 這般疏懶 任性, 合該此報.

宋淇譯 Dorothy Parker 名句 (8/8/82, p.109, v.2):
Men seldom make passes 男人很少會追求
At girls who wear glasses 戴著眼鏡的小妞

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