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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)


Emily Wilson trs.

Creon: If the cure is bad, better to be sick. (3.517)

Creon: Kings hate to hear the things they order spoken. (3.520)

Hercules Furens
Chorus: The Fates come at a fixed time.
Nobody gets the dally when they call,
nobody can postpone the written day.

閻王要你三更死, 誰敢留人到五更.

Love of honour leads a man
to travel the world. (1.192)

大丈夫立身揚名, 自當縱橫四海.

Unambitious people live to white old age;
the unimpressive fortune of a tiny house
is humble but it stands on solid ground.
Impetuous courage falls from a great height.

沖淡無求, 壽越期頤.
小門第 雖無堆金積玉的家底, 始終根基厚實.
逞一時之勇, 跌得最狠.

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