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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)


Hawkes, The Story of the Stone Ch.60:

Aroma, you will recall, had asked Patience what in particular it was that had been giving her so much trouble.


Patience smiled mysteriously: ‘Something no one would ever guess. You’ll have a good laugh when I tell you. I won’t tell you for a few days yet, though, because I still haven’t quite got to the bottom of it---and I haven’t got time now, in any case.’

平兒笑道:「都是世人想不到的,說來也好笑, 等幾日告訴你,如今沒頭緒呢,且也不得閒兒。」

As if to prove that this was so, one of Li Wan’s little maids arrived at that very moment: ‘Miss Patience? Oh, there you are! Mrs Zhu’s waiting for you. Why don’t you come?’

一語未了,只見李紈的丫鬟來了, 說:「平姐姐可在這裡,奶奶等你,你怎麼不去了?」

‘I’m coming, I’m coming,’ said Patience, breaking away from the others with a laugh and hurrying after her.


Aroma and the others laughed, too. ‘She’s grown as popular as hot cakes since her mistress’s illness: everyone wants her at once!’


Patience’s business with Li Wan is no part of our story. We remain with Bao-yu and the rest at Green Delights.





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