Odyssey 2.427--434
風吹滿了帆, 紫色的波浪逆疾馳的船身訇然厲吼, 激起浪花. 船起落搖盪, 破浪直前. ...... 徹夜犂海而行, 直到天明.
大伙兒拿出調過的酒, 往碗裡倒
一直滿到緣口, 向不死的永生神族
奠酒, 尤其是宙斯的明眸千金.
船通宵一路犂海而行, 夜盡天明.
風吹滿了帆, 船前進時, 船首四圍紫色的波浪發出喧囂之聲, 船就穿著波浪前進. 他們把黑色快船上的篷纜綁緊之後, 就用杯盛滿酒, 向永生不死的天神祭奠, 尤其是向宙斯的女兒明眸女神. 徹夜直到清晨, 船在前進.
Emily Wilson trs.
Wind blew the middle sail; the purple wave / was splashing loudly round the moving keel. / The goddess rode the waves and smoothed the way.
The quick black ship held steady, so they fastened / the tackle down, and filled their cups with wine. / They poured libations to the deathless gods, / especially to the bright-eyed child of Zeus. / All through the night till dawn the ship sailed on.
So the wind filled the belly of the sail, and the dark wave sang loudly about the stem of the ship as she went, and she sped over the wave accomplishing her way.
Then, when they had made the tackling fast in the swift black ship, they set forth bowls brim full of wine, and poured libations to the immortal gods that are forever, and chiefest of all to the flashing- eyed daughter of Zeus. So all night long and through the dawn the ship cleft her way.
Fitzgerald trs.
[They] hoisted up the white sail on its halyards / until the wind caught, booming in the sail; / and a flushing wave sang backward from the bow / on either side, as the ship got way upon her, / holding her steady course.
Now they made all secure in the fast black ship, / and, setting out the winebowls all a-brim, / they made libation to the gods, / the undying, the ever-new, / most of all to the grey-eyed daughter of Zeus. / And the prow sheared through the night into the dawn.
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