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28481k (17.01.06, 03:46
) sagt...
Der Kommentar wurde von einem Blog-Administrator entfernt.
28481k (17.01.06, 04:03
) sagt...
Wikipedia have the following sources about AWS (KCR Origianl signal system), ATP and ATO (in Japanese since it's more complete than English).
28481k (17.01.06, 04:24
) sagt...
Sorry, I think it's better to rewrite some of my former comment. Hence I deleted it.
KCR East Rail's transition into the Automatic Train Operation system (ATO) has never been smooth for its 3 years of operation. Its strict adherence to the target speed within 0.5 km/h causes many quick acceleration and decelerations (as noted in the first link). This stresses the bogie (底盤/轉向架) due to constant change of momentum and torque. It is also noted that the bogie design is not quite suitable with the operating conditions of KCR in the second link below, those traverse stress may cause the cracking of the bogie too.
The system also suffers from mislocation problem as well, which means the train will suddenly unable to locate itself on the track and the ATP mode sets in until the next beacon. Without knowing the location, auotmatic operation is impossible. In fact, even ATP cannot cover the dislocation scenario well too, since ATP signals are from the same beacons which regulate the automatic operation. It is therefore not uncommon that the train reverts back to Automatic Train Protection mode (ATP)* while raining.
KCR is just taking on the safe side and hope that more humane manual handling (by switching off the motor for a while after acceleration) should defer the promugation of cracking problem from the bogie (底盤裂痕問題) while they are looking for the long-term solution.
1. Local transport forum post in Chinese
2. Another local transport forum post in Chinese
* ATP is a supervision system for train operation. There is a cab-signal showing the target speed of the section of track and an on-board computer monitoring the operator's operation. The train is run manually unlike the ATO. Any violation of the target speed activates the emergency break immediately to prevent signal passing at danger (SPAD, 衝紅燈).
梁巔巔 (18.01.06, 23:06
) sagt...
Heeeee heeeee.
用電腦又死; 手控又死.....
九鐵班高層都驚 ga la~ 兩鐵合拼揀晒地鐵嘅要員 ma. Haaaaaa~
sf (19.01.06, 12:50
) sagt...
28481K, 謝謝你的詳細分析. 讓我看看有沒有錯誤了解你的意思. 你的意思是事件的問題不出在車底, 而在更大件事的自動行車系統. 然而因為這是大件事, 說不得, 因此只把焦點推在車底組件焊接上. 是不是?
另, ATO,ATP這些名字如此接近, 用來給同事裝陷阱和混淆公眾視聽最好. 真不知是誰改的?
顛, 地鐡論服務論公關固然比九鐡勝一籌. 然而, 自從地鐡高層換班, 地鐡無論服務到公關也今非昔比.
關於兩鐵合併, 現在輪到地鐵佔上風. 立壞心腸之如我, 當然擔定櫈仔睇好戲啦.
28481k (19.01.06, 21:43
) sagt...
Anonym (08.02.06, 23:56
) sagt...
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