
1. 星期六晚跟牙尖嘴利的紫色頭通電話, 我竟然能夠一句話把她KO了, 使她只識笑不能言. 奇蹟啊.
2. 我今天第一次用msn (係, 我係out), 而且我的初msn還要給了zz喎. 好明顯我給她帶壞了: 嘩, 他給了我許多暴力icon啊!
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by sf on Donnerstag, Juni 21, 2007 at 18:34 13 comments
Belbin Test Result: Plant - individualistic, serious, unorthodox. (= 孤僻,古肅,乖張??)
seit Juli 13 2004
seit Juli 2005
seit 22 Mai 2005
Justin (22.06.07, 00:36
) sagt...
ah-yun (22.06.07, 08:33
) sagt...
I don't have MSN also... but I use others. Hehe.
Anonym (22.06.07, 12:40
) sagt...
呵, 咁zz遲d就可以將佢同你的d對話貼出來娛賓喇~
sf (22.06.07, 13:52
) sagt...
係喎, 大鑊! (呢個anonym會唔會就係zz呢?) 咳.....唔驚, 佢比我嚇到離線添呀,咩事先.
不過, 都要重伸返句: 英雄, 留言請留名.
走甜, 我個泊靚? 唔係呀麻? 不過, 咁我都算係個用vi寫perl既白頭童生. 聽講MSN好食bandwidth同resource喎.
小雲, 你知唔知我想問你咩野丫?
ah-yun (22.06.07, 14:56
) sagt...
咦﹐乜先生有問小雲野咩? 幾時幾時?
咦咦﹐我都知vi係乜喎!! 不過而家唔記得點用lu。perl都唔係好記得…… 唉!
You should take that "nerd test" on my blog. I think you should be one. haha. :P
sf (22.06.07, 16:03
) sagt...
小雲, 聽你講去左玩下個nerd test. 結果係:
3% scored higher (more nerdy),
1% scored the same, and
96% scored lower (less nerdy).
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:
All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!
咁囉. 個test的問題唔係好到肉咋喎, 其實我都唔算好nerdy架啦, 天外有天, 人外有人, 我以前D同學將pi背到過百位架.
sf (22.06.07, 16:10
) sagt...
走甜, 好耐以前用過下icq, 後來就無用啦.
小雲, 咁你用咩IM嫁? 你仲唔知我想問你(攞)D咩野?
sf (22.06.07, 20:59
) sagt...
小雲, 其實之所以用起msn, 係因為呢幾日忽然好苦悶, 悶到連工作都無心機做. 我打左個email向ZZ求救, 佢就叫我裝番個MSN同佢講幾句止下咳.
ah-yun (23.06.07, 05:22
) sagt...
> What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:
> All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!
What do you mean by what does this mean?!
Hail to the supreme nerd God! Gosh! I have one other friend who also got 96 loh! How?!!!
> 個test的問題唔係好到肉咋喎
I think it's pretty 到肉喎. But it's more a test for geekiness. I thought it was kind of funny loh. :P
> 我以前D同學將pi背到過百位架.
冇野下嘩﹖I heard some people can remember thousands!!! Err... even thought I was a math major, I wasn't into that at all. I got better things to do. :P
What did you study in college?
ah-yun (23.06.07, 05:56
) sagt...
那那﹐講明先丫﹐小雲份人呢﹐好直腸直肚架。咁呢﹐唧係個D呢﹐轉彎抹角呀﹐隱晦呀﹐個D野呢﹐好易miss架喎。(咁又加上份人有D死蠢咁囉。) 先生你以後講野要明白D好喎。
咁呢咁呢﹐我以前都有用過下ICQ 咁啦﹐但呢度都唔興既。但我既ICQ#係六位數字喎。所以有D自豪咁囉。(明唔明點解要自豪﹖﹗) :P
我都好少用IM﹐返到屋企梗係想抖下啦﹐仲IM﹖不過在公司會用Yahoo IM 囉。(可以同MSN傾架。) 我以前都有用Google Talk 既。(而家呢度多人用丫。) 但最近「閉關」都好少開lu。
^^ my time is 2:54pm (Friday)
sf (23.06.07, 08:22
) sagt...
>What do you mean by what does this mean?!
i don't mean anything; i just copy the result.
> Hail to the supreme nerd God! Gosh! I have one other friend who also got 96 loh! How?!!!
係咩係咩, 咁你要反省下啦. :P
拿,我點都唔算supreme nerd god囉.
>What did you study in college?
你讀數架? 副修數學架我. 主修呢, 我讀物理的, 似唔似呀?
>但我既ICQ#係六位數字喎。所以有D自豪咁囉。(明唔明點解要自豪﹖﹗) :P
梗係明啦, 點解, 因為我都係六位數字個囉. :)
哈哈, 如果我地IM到, 我就真係"無奈夜長人不寐"咯.
弈 (23.06.07, 11:28
) sagt...
ah-yun (23.06.07, 14:48
) sagt...
> i don't mean anything; i just copy the result.
Ahahahaha!!! LOTF! (<-- do you know what this is?! hehe.)
嘩! 物理同數學! 怪不之得可以做到supreme nerd God 啦! 又估你唔到喎。仲以為你讀文科添!
我同你講丫﹐讀物理同數學個D都係傻仔傻女黎架﹐你仲係兩科都讀。真係…… 冇野講喇!
我都幾敬佩讀物理D人架。因為佢地同我一樣﹐傻架﹐辛辛苦苦﹐又冇出路。(Unless you want to be a professor, in which I don't think I'm smart enough to do. *sigh*)
話D野過你知﹐那時我識一個鬼仔﹐每次見到佢都有充左電既感覺。(好型架佢! ) 佢讀物理架! 嘻嘻!
> 梗係明啦, 點解, 因為我都係六位數字個囉. :)
果然! ! 咁哩﹐你既係乜字頭丫? 哈哈哈哈! 我係七丫。你有冇咁勁先? ! 嘻! :P
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