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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)


依依脈脈兩如何, 細似輕絲渺似波. 月不長圓花易落, 一生惆悵為伊多.

同樣說人無千日好, 花無百日紅, 可是賀拉斯的詩卻全無傷春悲秋, 慨嘆好景不常的味道.

Horace, ii.11, David West trs.
The glory of spring flowers is not for ever constant. / The blushing moon does not always shine / with the same face. Why weary your little mind / with eternal thoughts?

何必惆悵為摩訶 (eternal thoughts)?

David Ferry trs.
Flowers don't bloom forever; as for the moon, / it never stays the same. The brightness dims. / Why weary yourself staring into the dark, / Trying to see what eyes are unable to see?



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