看了Joe Wright導演的傲慢與偏見. 第一感覺是裡面的角色從貴族到平民都是粗手粗腳, 毫無規矩. 很..."美國人". 感情的表達也沒有了小說原來那種含蓄. 很..."美國人". 片中對伊利沙伯的心理做了很大幅的描寫, 把她的十五十六患得患失放大到觀眾面前. 對Mr Collins似乎比較同情, 表現了那種小人物所遭遇的失魂落魄. 沒有一面倒地拿他做笑柄. 女主角, 咀招招寸寸貢. 多於智慧. 男主角Mr Darcy像個傻佬. 特別是那一場雨中表白. 簡直是個傻佬.
如果BBC拍的英國式的jane austin. 這套是美國式的jane austin.
:: Anonym (13.04.06, 15:39 ) sagt...
And I thought it's totally British
And I thought you couldn't ask for a more British film than Joe Wright's 2005 "Pride and Perjudice." No?
Joe Wright, British; Keira Knightley, British; Matthew Macfadyen, British; Deborah Moggach, British; Talulah Riley, British; Rosamund Pike, British.
I guess it must be Jena Malone who've somehow dumbed down the whole performance. Or Joe Wright must have sold out to the ugly American audience. Shame on you Joe.
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