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* 羅友枝《最後的帝王:清室社會史》

(有譯為最後的王朝: 剛好相反, 羅友枝認為不應把大清看成中國的一個王朝, 而應把中國看成大清帝國的一塊屬土.)

Evelyn Rawski, The Last Emperors: A Social History of the Qing Imperial Institutions. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1998).

I. The Material Culture of the Qing Court 清室的物質文化
1 The Court Society 宮廷社會

II. The Social Organization of the Qing Court 清室的社會結構
2 The Conquest Elite and the Imperial Lineage 征服者集團與宗室
3 Sibling Politics 阿哥政治
4 Imperial Women 后妃與皇女
5 Palace Servants 內侍

III. Qing Court Rituals 清室禮儀
6 Rulership and Ritual Action in the Chinese Realm 華夏治道與禮儀
7 Shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism at Court 宮廷薩滿與喇麻教
8 Private Rituals 私交禮儀

* 柯嬌燕《昏鏡顧影:皇清眼中自身的歷史與身分》

Pamela K. Crossley, A Translucent Mirror: History and Identity in Qing Imperial Ideology. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1999).

Pt. I. The Great Wall 長城
1 Trial by Identity 內外有別
2 The Character of Loyalty 何謂效忠

Pt. II. The Father's House 祖家
3 Boundaries of Rule 統治的界線
4 Empire and Identity 帝國與身分認同

Pt. III. The Celestial Pillar 擎天之柱
5 The Wheel-Turning King 法輪王
6 The Universal Prospect 四海昇平

Postscript: Race and Revolution at the End of the Empire 後記: 清末民族與革命

* 歐立德《滿人之道:八旗與晚清族群認同》

Mark C. Elliott, The Manchu Way: The Eight Banners and Ethnic Identity in Late Imperial China. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001).

Pt. I. Structures of Eight Banner Society 八旗的社會結構
1 The Eight Banners and the Origins of the Manchus 旗制與滿人的來歷
2 Manchu Cities: Tigers on the Mountain 滿城: 猛虎負隅
3 The Emperor's Men 皇帝部曲

Pt. II. Patterns of Banner Life 旗人的典型生活
4 The Iron Rice Bowl of Banner Privilege 旗人的鐵飯碗特權
5 Among the Nikan 滿漢雜處
6 Resident Aliens 外人

Pt. III. The Crises of the Eighteenth Century 八旗在十八世紀的危機
7 Whither the Manchu Way? 滿文化式微?
8 Saving the Banner System 挽救八旗的舉措

Conclusion. Manchu Identity and Manchu Rule in China 結論: 入主中原

* 路康樂《滿漢畛域:清末民初的族群關係與政治權力,1861-1928》

Edward J.M. Rhoads, Manchus and Han: Ethnic Relations and Political Power in Late Qing and Early Republican China, 1861-1928. (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2000).

1. Separation and Unequal 隔離與歧視
2. Cixi and the `Peculiar Institution' 慈禧新政
3. Zaifeng and the `Manchu Ascendency' 載灃重滿輕漢政策
4. The 1911 Revolution 辛亥革命
5. Court and Manchus after 1911 革命後的清室與滿人

衛周安: 新清史


:: Anonymous Anonym (18.08.06, 22:46   ) sagt...


:: Blogger sf (19.08.06, 01:27   ) sagt...

蟻, 謝謝報料. 待它熱潮過後, 再到圖書館借來看看.

:: Blogger 思兼 (27.08.06, 16:23   ) sagt...




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