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Merry Xmas 還是 Merry X'mas?

保證你猜不到. (答案)


:: Blogger sf (15.01.07, 12:51   ) sagt...

伍拾, 我不知道是不是如此. X當是借用希臘字母X (Chi). christmas的縮寫最少於1551年已出現.


1551 in E. Lodge Illustr. Brit. Hist. (1791) I. 145 From X'temmas next following. c1755 in B. Ward Hist. St. Edmund's Coll. (1893) 303 In ye Xmas and Whitsuntide Vacations. 1799 COLERIDGE Let. to Southey 24 Dec., My Xstmas Carol is a quaint performance. 1801 {emem} Let. to Southey 31 Dec., On Xmas Day I breakfasted with Davy. 1875 S. G. THOMAS in R. W. Burnie Mem. & Lett. (1891) 55 We are not going to have any Xmas festivities or visitors of any kind. 1884 Punch 6 Dec. 268/1 He's beginning Xmassing already.


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