偷龍轉鳳, etc.

* 偷龍轉鳳(How to steal a million) with audrey hepburn
* 艾慕杜華, talk to her
* trevor nunn, twelfth night (1996)
* 中英, 孤星淚
* 香港芭蕾舞團, 胡桃夾子
* shakespeare: king john, richard ii, henry iv
* 馬奎斯, 一百年的孤寂 (宋碧雲譯)
說起百年孤寂, 大學時候有位同學, 滿書架都是張愛玲. 有天見他看某外國小說中譯本, 我問他為甚麼不看英譯, 他回答說, 要是原著是英文, 自然是看原著的好. 要是原著是其他不曉得的外文, 反正都是譯文, 為甚麼不看中譯, 而要看英譯?
譯本得講究. 舉步維艱還是輕舟已過萬重山, 樂趣還是苦差, 差天共地. 不懂原文, 管不了忠實, 只看傳神與否, 文筆如何. 比方看堂吉柯德, 非楊絳不可. 看愛麗斯, 趙元任是不二之選. 看巴爾札克, 傅雷. (看王爾德, 如果要看中譯, 那當然要數余光中). 看百年孤寂, 自然是宋碧雲.
據說遠景宋碧雲本因版權問題而絕了版. 後來志文取得版權, 就是楊耐冬本. 到圖書館裡把兩譯本拿來比一比, 當然不是頭幾句, 而是跳到中間, 馬上發現楊本是拿宋本左改改右改改而成的. 問題是改壞了, 文句變得拖沓, 橫生枝節. 不是對原文忠實不忠實的問題, 是對文字的感覺和功力的問題.
Sophie Masson, Shakespeare on screen
* Trevor Nunn’s 1999(I think)version of Twelfth Night, ... a perfect sense of timing, combined with inspired, brilliant performances, make this my very top favourite.
Also cheers go to:
*the BBC series, especially a great Macbeth(which starred, I think, Derek Jacobi)
*Richard III as a never-never fascist usurper of the throne of Britain, starring Ian McKellen;
*a version of Hamlet we watched at school in the late 70’s–a filmed version of a Nimrod Theatre production, starring John Bell as Hamlet and Anna Volska as Ophelia;
*RAN, Kurosawa’s amazing version of King Lear(haven’t seen Throne of Blood yet, tho’ I’ve been trying to find it for ages in our DVD rental shop);
*Quite liked Kenneth Branagh’s version of Hamlet, too–though a bit mannered at times, I think the film had some brilliant performances, and an extraordinary understanding of the utter waste and ruin Hamlet had brought down on his country, with Fortinbras the only winner;
*Much Ado about Nothing, starring Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson; beautiful, sunlit, and thoroughly enjoyable;
Birgit (17.01.07, 13:05
) sagt...
sf (26.01.07, 00:30
) sagt...
姨姨, 你喜愛就好. 近日牛津出版了馮象譯的摩西五經, 不妨一讀.
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