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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)


巴爾扎克, Le Curé de Tours


街的左手只有一所屋子,聖迦西安大堂的飛扶壁穿 過屋子的圍牆,直立在又小又窄的園子裡,叫你看了想不透到底是先有 大堂呢,還是先有那年深月久,變成暗黃色的屋子。

可是考古家把屋子 的外表,門上的環洞,窗的形狀和裝飾花紋細看之下,就會發覺屋子和 巍峨宏偉的大堂不但相連,當初原是一體。

大教堂經過悠長的歲月,顏色蒼黑,佈滿裂痕, 又是冷又是潮濕,長著青苔和高高的野草。

屋子坐落在大堂北面,經常 罩在大堂的陰影之下,從早到晚靜到極點,只有鐘聲,從教堂裡透出來 做日課的聲音,或是棲宿在鐘樓頂上紅腳烏鴉的聒噪聲,偶爾衝破 四周的岑寂。

柳毅傳書 (Hawkes)

尚仲賢, 洞庭湖柳毅傳書雜劇
Hawkes, Liu Yiu and the Dragon Princess



[Dou yan chun]
The two dragons fought across the sky
Now east, now west, now low, now high,

Hidden in cloud or glimpsed through gaps, Then down where the water heaves and laps:

Through a dense cloud of smoke they sped,
That with breathed-out flames glowed fiery red;

Flash upon flash the lightning darted
Each time the smoke of battle parted;
(卒 = 猝)

Shrieking and freaking the weird wind howled
While the rumbling thunder crashed and growled.
(簌, 音促)

* * *
涇河龍淤泥裡便 [gung3]。

[Gui san tai]
When they hurled themselves forward to attack / The whole world seemed to tremble and reel back,
(的 = 得)

So great the shock was and so dire. / The sky glowed red with smoke and fire.
(哏 = 狠)

Before such force the strongest heart would quail; / Massive iron walls would be of no avail.
一撞一衝。則教你心如鐵石也怕恐。 便有那銅山鐵壁都沒用。
(壁, 音 bik8/bek8)

But in the end, outmatched, the Young Lord fled. / Then Qiantang, to cut off his retreat, / Winged swiftly upstream over the flood;

At which the Young Lord, flying on ahead, / Concealed himself by burrowing in the mud.
涇河龍淤泥裡便 [gung3]。
(涇, 音經. [gung3] 左穴貢, 右刂)


Divisibilty Tests

Numberphile: Why 7 is Weird,
Solving Seven

2: Even
3: Digitsum = 3m
4: Last 2 digits (∵100 = 4n)

5: End 5, 0
6: Even, Divisible 3
7: 5x Last + Rest, or: Rest - double Last
(eg 483 = 48 + 3 × 5)
or 兌成一百找二蚊 (=98) 看零頭

8: Last 3 digits, chop off all 200n & 120
兌成二百蚊紙看零頭 (或再扣百二)

9: Digitsum = 9m
10: End 0
11: Alternating Sum 單雙位差 = 11m
12: Divisible 3, 4

* 7 的倍數 : 1, .. ,77, 84, 91, 98
* 11: or 兌成一百找一蚊 (=99) 看零頭

For more (up to 30), see Wikipedia: Divisibility rule.


Yu fu `The Fisherman'
(David Hawks trs.)

After Qu Yuan was banished, he wandered sometimes along the river's banks, sometimes along the marsh's edge, singing as he went. 屈原既放,游於江潭,行吟澤畔。
His expression was dejected and his features emaciated. 顏色顦顇,形容枯槁。

A fisherman caught sight of him. `Are you not the Lord of the Three Wards?' said the fisherman. `What has brought you to this pass?'

`Because all the world is muddy and I alone am clear,' said Qu Yuan, 'and because all men are drunk and I alone am sober, I have been sent into exile.' 屈原曰:舉世皆濁我獨清,衆人皆醉我獨醒,是以見放。

`The Wise Man is not chained to material circumstances,' said the fisherman, `but can move as the world moves.
If all the world is muddy, why not help them to stir up the mud and beat up the waves?
And if all men are drunk, why not sup their dregs and swill their lees?
Why get yourself exiled because of your deep thoughts and your fine aspirations?'

Qu Yuan replied, `I have heard it said: ``He who has just washed his hair should brush his hat; and he who has just bathed should shake his clothes.''
How can I submit my spotless purity to the dirt of others? 安能以身之察察,受物之汶汶者乎?
I would rather cast myself into the waters of the river and be buried in the bowels of fishes than hide my shining light in the dark and dust of the world.' 寧赴湘流,葬於江魚之腹中,安能以皓皓之白,而蒙世俗之塵埃乎?

The fisherman, with a faint smile, struck his paddle in the water and made off.
And as he went he sang: `When the Cang-lang's waters are clear, I can wash my hat-strings in them; When the Cang-lang's waters are muddy, I can wash my feet in them.' 歌曰:滄浪之水清兮,可以濯吾纓;滄浪之水濁兮,可以濯吾足。
With that he was gone, and did not speak again. 遂去,不復與言。


依依脈脈兩如何, 細似輕絲渺似波. 月不長圓花易落, 一生惆悵為伊多.

同樣說人無千日好, 花無百日紅, 可是賀拉斯的詩卻全無傷春悲秋, 慨嘆好景不常的味道.

Horace, ii.11, David West trs.
The glory of spring flowers is not for ever constant. / The blushing moon does not always shine / with the same face. Why weary your little mind / with eternal thoughts?

何必惆悵為摩訶 (eternal thoughts)?

David Ferry trs.
Flowers don't bloom forever; as for the moon, / it never stays the same. The brightness dims. / Why weary yourself staring into the dark, / Trying to see what eyes are unable to see?