東君 (九歌)
楚辭 Songs of the South
David Hawkes trs
Nine Songs 九歌
VII. The Lord of the East 東君
1. With a faint flush I start to come out of the east, / Shinning down on my threshold, Fu-sang. 暾將出兮東方,照吾檻兮扶桑。
As I urge my horses slowly forwards, / The night sky brightens, and day has come.
I ride a dragon car and chariot on the thunder, / With cloud-banners fluttering upon the wind.
I heave a long sigh as I start the ascent, / Reluctant to leave, and looking back longingly; 長太息兮將上,心低徊兮顧懷。
For the beauty and the music are so enchanting, / The beholder, delighted, forgets that he must go.
羌聲色兮娛人,觀者憺兮忘歸。 (羌助詞)
2. Tigten the zither's strings and smite them in unison! / Strike the bells until the bell-stand rocks! 緪瑟兮交鼓,㩋鐘兮搖虡。
(緪音庚, 㩋音肅, 虡音巨)
Let the flutes sound! Blow the pan-pipes! / See the priestesses, how skilled and lovely,
(箎音池, 思助詞, 姱叶庫/戶 khoa)
Whirling and dipping like birds in flight, / Unfolding the words in time to the dancing,
Pitch and beat all in perfect accord! / The spirits, descending, darken the sun.
3. In my cloud-coat and my skirt of the rainbow, / Grasping my bow I soar high up in the sky.
I aim my long arrow and shoot the Wolf of Heaven; / I seize the Dipper to ladle cinnamon wine.
Then holding my reins, I plunge down to my setting, / On my gloomy night journey back to the east.
撰余轡兮返淪降,杳冥冥兮以東行。 (行叶航)
#1 東君自道, 日出之象
#2 祭儀 (靈 = 降靈於巫)
#3 東君自道, 日中與日落, 及夜行回東方
Hawkes 於 #3 的譯文, 調動了詞句的次序.
In my cloud-coat and my skirt of the rainbow, /
I aim my long arrow and shoot the Wolf of Heaven.
Then grasping my bow, I plunge down to my setting; / I seize the Dipper to ladle cinnamon wine.
撰余轡兮高駝翔,杳冥冥兮以東行。 Holding my reins, I soar high up in the sky, / On my gloomy night journey back to the east.
王逸注 駝, 一作馳, 一無此字. 又, 大司命曰 高駝兮沖天, 王逸注 駝, 一作馳.
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