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CUHK HIS notice

  • 溯洄從之

  • M.A. Course Arrangement (Tue, 13 Sep 2005):

    (3) Owing to “Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions 2005” on 24 September 2005 (Saturday), the special arrangement for the following courses is as follows:

    - HIS5508A Banking History of Modern China (by Prof. Lee Pui Tak) at 10:30a.m.
    The venue for this course will be CKB123 (Room 123, Chen Kou Bun Building 陳國本樓)

    - HIS 3259 西方史學傳統:莎士比亞的英國歷史劇:神意、政治與歷史書寫(by Prof. Gan Yang) at 10:30a.m. on 24 September 2005 (Sat)
    The lesson will be suspended.

    - HIS5011B比較史及公眾史的視野 (by Prof. David Faure) at 2:00p.m. on 24 September 2005 (Sat)
    The venue for this course will be Lecture Theatre, Shaw College (逸夫書院大講堂), please refer to the attached transportation arrangement.

    - HIS 5506A香港史特別專題:身份認同與本土意識 (by Prof. Ching May Bo) at 4:30 p.m. on 24 September 2005 (Sat)
    The venue for this course will be NAH 11, Humanities Building, New Asia College (新亞書院人文館11號課室)

    - HIS 5515中國上古科技史專題 - 石器及玉器工藝學(by Prof. Tang Chung) at 4:30 p.m. on 24 September 2005 (Sat)
    The venue for this course remains unchanged, i.e. ICS L1 (Lecture Room 1, Institute of Chinese Studies, 中國文化研究中心).



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