Faure's self-introduction

David Faure
B.A. (University of Hong Kong), Ph D (Princeton University);
Department Chairman, Professor
I think I am interested in social history. That means I am interested in custom, but I am not really interested in the history of customs. I am also interested in life style, but the social history I want to write is not the history of lifestyles. I guess I am interested in social structure, not the social structure created by historians, but the social structure which the people I am interested in identify with. I believe people can only surpass the limits imposed by the structure they identify with by understanding it. Yes, I think we read history to contribute to a better life.
Anonym (24.01.06, 16:16
) sagt...
船山先生, 初時見到Faure 這個名字, 還以為是擁有天使名字, 寫了一首很好聽的安魂曲(見 orion.it.luc.edu/~avande1/requiem.htm), 那位法國作曲家呢.
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