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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)




1. 在模糊與依稀之間

模糊 = 記不起, 辨不出

依稀 = 尚且記得, 尚且認得

2. quotations

3. 今天看電視, 有一個勸人做子宮頸檢驗的廣告, 裡面有一句格外耐人尋味.

治療初期的子宮頸癌, 可以______內窺鏡把癌細胞清除.
A. 透過
B. 利用
C. 借助
D. (其他: _____)

廣告片裡選的是 (A), 可是我猜那是最差的選擇吧. 這道題夠得上做中文科的考題.

4. 影評

北大未名站, 當外國人看到《赤壁》 (via ESWN)

Keyboard Repeat Rate

PBDR.COM, Keyboard Repeat Rate

... unfortunately the control panel will only let you alter the speed to a maximum of setting of 30. This is way too slow for me and probably most of you as well.

Backup your registry and open up regedit:

* Open up the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard.
* Double click on the KeyboardSpeed Value in the right hand panel.
* Change the value to something respectable like 80
* Click OK
* Close RegEdit

Now goto your favourite program, development tool or editor and hold down a key, much faster!



蘋果港聞 20090119 標題:


文叉配連救, 十分費解. 「XXX連救兩命」, 好像是某人/某家人做了甚麼, 因而救了這家以外的兩個人. 但上句「交叉 YYY」又似應指兩家人彼此救了對方(家人)性命. 「連救」二字雖然醒目, 可惜不通.

改作「交叉捐肝,兩命獲救」, 就通了.




將數字 {3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11} 填入九宮格中, 一格一個, 使橫直斜各方向之和都相等.

改為考慮填入 {-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4}.
(a) 顯然 0 必在中宮,
(b) x 與 -x 隔中宮兩兩相對.
(c) 4 不可在角上.

因此, 排法為



(手癢, 有的聽聞, 有的自譯)

* Fear and Misery of the Third Reich (Furcht und Elend des Dritten Reiches) 第三帝國下的恐懼與苦難

* Baal (Baal) 騷客巴奥
* Drums in the Night (Trommeln in der Nacht) 暮鼓
* The Beggar (Der Bettler oder Der tote Hund) 死狗乞兒
* A Respectable Wedding (Die Kleinbürgerhochzeit) 體面的婚禮
* Driving Out a Devil (Er treibt einen Teufel aus) 驅魔
* Lux in Tenebris (Lux in Tenebris) 希望之光
* Mysteries of a Barbershop (Mysterien eines Friseursalons) 理髮師之迷
* In The Jungle of Cities (Im Dickicht der Städte) 無情都市
* Edward II (Leben Eduards des Zweiten von England) 英王愛德華二世

* Man Equals Man (Mann ist Mann) 也是人 / 都有阿媽生
* The Elephant Calf (Das Elefantenkalb) 幼象

* The Threepenny Opera (Die Dreigroschenoper) 三毛錢歌劇
* The Flight across the Ocean (Der Ozeanflug) 飛越大洋
* The Baden-Baden Lesson on Consent (Badener Lehrstück vom Einverständnis) 巴登教育劇:協議
* Happy End (Happy End) 大團圓

* The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny (Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny) 馬城春秋
* Little Mahagonny (Mahagonny-Songspiel) 馬城小傳

* He Said Yes / He Said No (Der Jasager; Der Neinsager) 贊成者、反對者
* The Decision (Die Maßnahme) 決擇
* The Exception and the Rule (Die Ausnahme und die Regel) 例外與常規
* The Mother (Die Mutter) 母親
* The Seven Deadly Sins (Die sieben Todsünden der Kleinbürger) 七宗罪 / 體面人的七大忌
* Round Heads and Pointed Heads (Die Rundköpfe und die Spitzköpfe) 圓顱對尖頭
* Life of Galileo (Leben des Galilei) 伽利略傳
* How Much Is Your Iron? (Was kostet das Eisen?) 鐵幾錢 /鐵價幾何

* Mother Courage and Her Children (Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder) 沙膽大娘 / 好膽大娘一家 / 斗膽大娘與子女
* Mr Puntila and his Man Matti (Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti) 賓主一場
* The Good Person of Szechwan (Der gute Mensch von Sezuan) 四川一好人
* The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui (Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Arturo Ui) 教父亞涂發跡史
* Hangmen Also Die 人亦雉其頭
* The Duchess of Malfi 女爵下凡
* Schweik in the Second World War (Schweyk im Zweiten Weltkrieg) 二戰版好兵帥克
* The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Der kaukasische Kreidekreis) 高加索灰闌記
* Antigone (Die Antigone des Sophokles) 女悌 / 禁葬令
* The Days of the Commune (Die Tage der Commune) 巴黎公社的日子
* The Tutor (Der Hofmeister) 家庭教師 / 塾師
* Coriolanus (Coriolan) 大將軍寇流蘭

* Saint Joan of the Stockyards (Die heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe) 屠場裡的聖貞德
* The Visions of Simone Machard (Die Gesichte der Simone Machard ) 阿茜的救國夢
* Joan of Arc (Der Prozess der Jeanne D'Arc zu Rouen, 1431) 貞德受審記

* Turandot (Turandot oder Der Kongreß der Weißwäscher) 杜蘭朵
* Don Juan (Don Juan) 唐璜
* Trumpets and Drums (Pauken und Trompeten) 鼓角之聲
* Kuhle Wampe (Kuhle Wampe oder Wem gehört die Welt) 誰主世界
* Señora Carrar's Rifles (Die Gewehre der Frau Carrar) 卡大娘的槍

* The Catch (Der Fischzug) ???
* Downfall of the Egotist Johann Fatzer (Der Untergang des Egoisten Johnann Fatzer) ???
* The Horatians and the Curiatians (Die Horatier und die Kuriatier) ???
* Dansen (Dansen) ???
* Report from Herrnburg (Herrnburger Bericht) ???

* The Trial of Lucullus (Das Verhör des Lukullus) ???
* The Condemnation of Lucullus (Die Verurteilung des Lukullus) ???



以下公函見於胡適日記民國十七年 (1928年) 八月卅一日條, 正好為近史所 民國常見公文用語 之實例.

院長 蔡元培

* * *




御前侍衛 和碩額駙 鑾儀衛掌衛事 管理內圓明園事務 總管圓明園八旗內府三旗官員兵丁大臣 總管奉宸苑事務 管理暢春園聖化寺等處事務 管理養心殿造辦處 總管御茶膳房武備院事務 兼管火藥局 兼管俄羅斯佐領 議政大臣 工部尚書 臣 福隆安

War on terror

EDT13| EDT| Other Voices| By Robert Spaemann 2009-01-05

War on terror: Hitler woulld have apprroved

As war loomed over Kosovo 10 years ago, Germany's then foreign-minister, Joschka Fischer, explained that the principle that had always governed his involvement in politics was: "Never again war; never again Auschwitz!" Ethnic cleansing and violence in Kosovo, however, soon made it clear to him that there were moments when one had to choose between those two imperatives: a new Auschwitz sometimes could be prevented only by means of war. The idea of a "just war", legitimised by a justa causa (just cause), though scorned for many years, is thus back in vogue. The notion used to be frowned upon because any warring party tends to view its own cause as just. Moreover, in the absence of an impartial judge, a winner can always impose his "truth" upon the vanquished.

While "just wars" seem to be back, international law has also come to condemn waging aggressive ("unjust") war as a punishable crime, with the consequence that every warring party now declares its wars to be a defence against foreign attack, much as Adolf Hitler did in 1939. (Indeed, all war ministries have become "defence ministries", leaving one to wonder against whom a country must be defended if there are no longer any attackers.) But, in this matter as well, the winner gets to judge who was the aggressor, so it is fortunate that Hitler did not prevail. Of course, military intervention for purposes beyond defending one's country remains possible, but requires a UN Security Council resolution. The latter alone, provided no permanent member of the Security Council disagrees, can decide whether a war is legitimised by a just cause (nowadays generally a gross breach of human rights).

The Security Council's permanent members thus remain legibus soluti, that is, sovereign in the 17th-century sense of the word, meaning "able to do evil with impunity". The right of humanitarian intervention limits the sovereignty of all other countries. Behind this is the notion that respect for human rights can be enforced externally, together with the hope that rulers will behave better if it appears they may be held accountable for violating human rights.

Whether this hope is justified remains to be seen. In the meantime, the return to the idea of a just cause carries big risks, especially evident when, as happened in Georgia, a great power claims the mantle of a protector of the rights of its nationals in a neighbouring country. If this idea stands, Russian minorities from the Baltic to the Crimea may turn out to be ticking time bombs. So the object of international law is not to ban "unjust" wars and permit "just" ones, but to assure that wars are waged for limited aims, and don't rage out of control. You have to be able to lose without losing everything. The language of justice and injustice, and demands of unconditional surrender and criminal retribution for the vanquished only promote - indeed, provoke - total war. The flip side of the criminalisation of "aggressive" war is the fact that peace is also no longer a reliable legal state that can be ended only by a formal declaration of war. When state leaders decide to bomb a city like Belgrade without any formal end to peace, they are not engaging in war, but in a form of state terrorism. Terrorism will prevail if its mentality infects the civilised world, and if state leaders resort to terror to fight terror. Fighting terrorism is not a war, because terrorism itself is not a warring party, but a means to an end.

Countries unwilling or unable to prevent terrorist violence emanating from their territory forfeit their right to territorial integrity, and others can declare war on them to pursue the problem at its root. But those who adhere to the motto "terror can only be countered with terror" should remember who coined it: Hitler.

Robert Spaemann is a leading Catholic philosopher, and professor of philosophy at both the University of Munich and the University of Salzburg. Copyright: Project Syndicate/Institute for Human Sciences

文章編號: 200901050270458

marie claire

marie claire原來有了(換了?)中文名字, 叫「美麗佳人」. 從前好像叫「瑪麗嘉兒」的.
美麗佳人有點俗, 不及原本的好. 非要美麗佳人不可, 不如「美麗偕宜」----美與麗, 兩回事.

米娜專欄: 櫻花杯, 裸懸燈, 站立傘


accept 接受

思果, 翻譯新究, 翻譯與國文教學:

領受, 承認, 認可, 認為有理, 以此為然, 不錯, 合意, 答應, 肯, 應聘, 理會, 相信.

1. 我接受你的情意, 卻不能接受你的禮物.
(你的情我心領了, 但禮物卻萬不能收下.)

2. 大家指責他的事, 他都接受 (承認) 了.

3. 你對這件事的解釋我接受 (認為有理).

4. 他對於時事所發表的意見, 社會都不接受 (以為然).

5. 你提出的辦法我接受 (覺得不錯), 可以照辦.

6. 他請假, 我接受 (答應) 了.

7. 學校屢次請他來教書, 他總不接受 (肯/答應) .

8. 大家聽了這個解釋, 立刻都能接受 (理解).
