幾時重 (囈語)
讀到 "幾時重?" 這一句, 總下意識唸成了 "幾時仲?". 想來也不無道理----幾時仲有呢?
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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)
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by sf on Samstag, März 11, 2006 at 02:21 7 comments
Belbin Test Result: Plant - individualistic, serious, unorthodox. (= 孤僻,古肅,乖張??)
seit Juli 13 2004
seit Juli 2005
seit 22 Mai 2005
:: 倉海君 (11.03.06, 21:24 ) sagt...
:: 28481k (14.03.06, 14:38 ) sagt...
:: 28481k (14.03.06, 14:47 ) sagt...
Oh, I'm too lazy to type Chinese now, but 倉海君, you should have reminded me that there are at least 3 pieces written under the metric of 烏夜啼/相見歡 by 李後主/李煜, as when I was researching I saw other faux amis. But then, I should've known better as 詞 often shares the same name for different content! This version is one of the more famous ones, especially "自是人生長恨水長東。" exemplifies the passage of life.
:: 倉海君 (15.03.06, 00:37 ) sagt...
:: 28481k (15.03.06, 04:18 ) sagt...
Argh... Magliabecchi, you're absolutely right. I forgot to check the actual metric! So foolish (luckily, I change from absolutely right to pronounce it as 仲 to may be possible)... The reality that Cantonese has 4 almost flat tones (for both 平 and 去) means it is very easy to mix them up, especially after a long sleepless night...
Should've been more careful, only if I had read it aloud several times...
:: sf (16.03.06, 01:59 ) sagt...
倉海君和28481K, 謝謝你們的補充. 剛巧missy lee說起背書. 我猜這首詞, 中學生也看得懂.
另, 我常疑心倉海君跟達賴有些關係.據說藏語達賴就是滄海大海的意思, 所以倉海君.......
:: 倉海君 (16.03.06, 14:56 ) sagt...
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