
bloggers on 2005.12.04 march
* 小踢 白頭人,大遊行!
* Miss Lee in Summer 25萬
* Over the Rainbow 神啊!請給我多一點時間做特首
* 熊一豆 告訴我,如何?令我們的腳步有效果
* 通寶日記 第八百廿四天:一周隨想
* 渡邊徹的異想空間 我哋一齊數人頭
* 豬欄 [豬點新聞]是日遊行實況
* 港燦 各地媒體關於 12-4 遊行的報導
* 彳山亍水 不是一堆數字
* 思存 雜記 12.4
為免日後港燦又忽然消失, 且做個紀錄. 他咒罵我都係咁話.
各地媒體關於 12-4 遊行的報導 (2005)
1. 新城電台引述新華社報導- 當然只引述警方遊行人數及強調政改方案仍獲多數港人支持,也未提及陳太有參加遊行 :
" 新華社亦有報道爭取普選大遊行的消息 . 報道說,香港部分市民的遊行,發起者是表達對特區政府關於政制發展建議方案的不滿,但參與者的訴求不一. 報道亦引用香港警方的數字,表示有六萬三千人參與遊行.
報道說, 遊行造成部分道路堵塞, 部分公共交通要改道 . 有圍觀民眾表示支持政改方案, 認為香港現時最需要的是保持穩定、搞好經濟.
報道又說, 政改方案經過近兩年諮詢, 方案發表後的多次民調都顯示, 獲得多數 香港民眾支持. "
2. BBC - "Thousands march for HK democracy"- BBC 和 CNN 都有引述陳太與另一位遊行人士 Palu Cheung 的意見,主辦單位和警方公佈的遊行人數 :
" Tens of thousands of people have taken part in a march in Hong Kong to demand a fully democratic political system.
Organisers, the Civil Rights Front, said 250,000 people took part in
the march while police said the figure was nearer to 63,000.
I just feel there are moments in one's life when you have to stand up
and be counted," said Anson Chan, Hong Kong's former deputy leader and
a first-time marcher.
... Palu Cheung, 42, who brought his
four-year-old daughter, said: 'I want my daughter to know that I do
this for her and for myself,' he told Associated Press. 'I think we
have the quality to select our own government.' "
3. CNN - "Thousands March in Hong Kong"
Tens of thousands of people marched through the streets of Hong Kong
Sunday to protest the slow pace of democratic reforms, intensifying
pressure on the government to speed up the movement toward full
Organizers said about 250,000 people, with many clad
in black, took part in the march -- much higher than analysts' estimate
of between 50,000 to 100,000. But police said they counted only 40,000
people when the march began in Hong Kong's Victoria Park. Many joined
the rally along the way.
... One of Sunday's marchers, Palu Cheung, 42, disagrees. He took his four-year-old daughter with him to the rally.
want my daughter to know that I do this for her and for myself. I think
we have the quality to select our own government. I'd like to show the
Chinese government that we Hong Kongers can do democracy,' Cheung said.
Some analysts say that Beijing is stalling on democratic reforms
because the Communist leadership fears that it would lose control of
Hong Kong's government -- which under a democracy would care more about
answering to the public."
4. 半島電視台英文網站- 用到 "irritate ( 激怒 )" 這個字眼,引用了警方佈起初從維園出發的人數 - 四萬及民陣公佈的 25 萬遊行人數。它亦提及陳太有參加遊行和李永達的意見,和重提 03 香港的 7-1 遊行。
"Democracy marchers flood Hong Kong
The march on Sunday could irritate China's Communist party leaders and embarrass Donald Tsang, the Hong Kong chief executive.
Despite widespread calls for full democracy, Beijing, which regained
control over Hong Kong in 1997, has been unwilling to let the territory
decide for itself when this should come. "
5. 新加坡聯合早報- 可能較早截稿,只引述明報即時新聞網下午開始遊行之情況 :
"香港举行 '争取普选大游行'
它之前另一篇報導,"为化解星期日反政改大游行 曾荫权上电视表温情"除了用 "表溫情" 這個含價值判斷的字眼去概括上周推銷員上電視發表講話之目的外,對描述李柱銘訪美之目的所用的字眼也帶有主觀成份 :
"香港特首曾荫权昨晚在电视上罕见地读出 '告全体港人书',但只重申政制发展正处于十字路口。他这招 '温情牌',能否令周日泛民主派的反政改大游行 '降温'?各路政界人马均表示: '不看好'。
... 另一方面,前民主党主席李柱铭等三名泛民主派立法会议员,昨日则在美国华盛顿跟美国国务卿赖斯会面。会后李柱铭呼吁华府向北京施加压力,加快香港民主步伐。"
6. 德國之聲中文版 - 香港消息- 將韓國反世貿示威人士與今日的遊行人士連結在一起報導。另,它應誤讀了警方公佈的遊行數字 :
" 数十万民众在中国特别行政区香港举行示威游行,要求更多民主权利。组织本次游行活动的反对党人士表示,有25万人参加了示威游行。而警方则表示游行人数为大约四万人。与此同时,中国当局宣布拒绝 300 名全球化反对者颁发进入香港的签证。中国报章报道称,被拒绝入境者主要来自韩国。 世贸组织部长级会议将于12月13日至18日在香港举行。预计会议期间将有上万名自由贸易的反对者前来香港参加抗议活动。"
有關香港會拒絕部分韓國示威者入境一事,可再參考 朝鮮日報中文版 - "香港将禁止有示威前科者在WTO会议期间入境"。小燦較常看的另一份韓國網上報紙 ohmynews
俄羅斯 "真理報"和台灣 "中時電子報"
在 03 年 7-1 遊行後翌日也曾分別在國際和兩岸版以顯著篇幅報導香港遊行新聞。且看它們明日會不會報導。
當然還有其他外國媒體會評論和報導 12-4 遊行。小燦時間所限,暫未能再跟進。
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