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(reminder: all quotes here are fiddled, probably.)

朱自清, 春

春天的腳步近了, 一切都像剛睡醒,欣欣然張開了眼。 小草偷偷從泥土鑽出來: 園子裏,田野中, 瞧去,一大片一大片滿是嫩綠。 坐着,躺着,打兩個滾,踢幾腳球, 賽幾䠀跑,捉幾回迷藏。 輕風悄悄,軟草綿綿。

「吹面不寒楊柳風」,像母親的手撫摸着你。 新翻的泥土氣息, 混着青草味,還有各種花香, 都在微微潤溼的空氣中醞釀。

雨最尋常,一下就三兩天。 可別惱,看,像牛毛,像花針,像細絲, 密密地斜織成一層薄煙,籠着人家屋頂。

天上風箏漸多,地上孩子也多了。 城裏鄉下,家家戶戶,老老小小,一個個都出來舒活筋骨,抖擻精神。

「一年之計在於春」,才剛剛起頭, 有的是工夫,有的是希望。


(Jan: The Dragon King's Daugther (楊憲益,戴乃迭))
(Feb: DH Lawrence's 查泰萊夫人的情人 (饒述一))
Feb: Ovid's Tristia and Epistulae ex ponto (David R Slavitt)
Mar: Homeric Hymns (Jules Cashford)
Mar: Apollodorus's Library (JG Frazer); 希臘神話 (周作人)
Apr: Ovid's Amores, Cosmetics, Cures (AD Melville)
Apr: Song of Roland (Simon Gaunt and Karen Pratt); 羅蘭之歌 (楊憲益)

Jan: 歷史書 (前先知書) (馮象)
Jan: Ovid's Metamorphoses (Stephanie McCarter)
(Jan: 白先勇::臺北人)
Feb: Keats 濟慈詩選 (查良錚)
Feb: Ovid's Fasti (Anne Wiseman)
Feb: Samuel 1, ch.1-14 (Everett Fox)
Apr: Ovid's Metamorphoses (Allen Mandelbaum)
Jun: Apollonius of Rhodes's Jason and Argonauts (Aaron Poochigian)
(Jul: 三毛::撒哈拉歲月, 稻草人的微笑, 夢中的橄欖樹, 快樂鬧學去, 萬水千山走遍, 流浪的終站)
(Aug: 賀喜, 科大衛::秘密社會的秘密)
Aug: Virgil's Aeneid (David West)
Sept: Sophocles's Oedipus the King (Berg and Clay)
(Sept: Yevgeny Zamyatin's We (何瑄))
Oct: Apollonius of Rhodes's Argonautika, Bk 1--2 (Peter Green)
Nov: Iliad (Emily Wilson); Bk 1--7 (呂健忠)
Nov: Horace's Epodes and Odes (David West)
(Nov: 尚仲賢::柳毅傳書雜劇; Liu Yi and Dragon Princess (David Hawkes))
Dec: Dante's Purgatorio (Sisson)
(Dec: 巴爾扎克::都爾的本堂神甫, 比哀蘭德 (傅雷))
(Dec: Hammett's The Maltese Falcan)

(Feb: Jean Webster's Daddy-Long-Legs)
(Feb: Jean Webster's Dear Enemy, sequel to DLL)
Feb: Goethe's 浮士德第一部 (錢春綺)
Mar: Ibsen's Hedda Gabler, Lady from the Sea, Master Builder (呂健忠)
Apr: Sophocles's Oedipus Tyrannos (Emily Wilson, 呂健忠, Dudley Fitts)
(Apr: 宋怡明::被統治的藝術)
(Jun: 格理弗遊記卷三飛行島 (單德興))
Sept: Shakespeare's 暴風雨 (楊牧)
Sept: Virgil's Aeneid VI (Seamus Heaney)
Nov: John Milton's Paradise Lost
Nov: Lord Byron's 青銅時代, 貝波, 唐璜選段 (查良錚)
(Dec: 李零::喪家狗)
Dec: Aeschylus's Oresteia (呂健忠)
Dec: Sophocles's Theban plays: Oedipus At Colonus, Antigone (呂健忠)
Dec: Sophocles's Trachiniae, Ajax, Philoctetes, Electra (呂健忠)
Dec: John Milton's Paradise Regained
Dec: 源氏物語, 第一部紫上系及第二部 (林文月)

Jan: Tales from Ovid (Ted Hugh)
Jan: Virgil's Eclogues (David Ferry)
May: Hesiod's Work and Days (ML West)
Jun: Alcestis, Phedre, Oresteia (Ted Hugh)
(Jul: Enola Holmes Mysteries 1,3,5,6)
Aug: Ovid's Heroides (Murgatroyd et al.)
Aug: Euripides's Electra (Emily Wilson)
Sept: Ovid's Metamorphoses 1--7 (Charles Martin)
(Oct: Henrietta Harrison's The Missionary's Curse 中譯)
Oct: 近松門左衛門::平家女護島 (錢稻孫)
Oct: 貝奧武甫 (馮象)
Oct: Beowulf (Seamus Heaney)
Oct: Beowulf (Maria Davana Headley)
Nov: Petrarch's Canzoniere, oup selections (Mark Musa)
Nov: Euripides's Helen (Emily Wilson)
Nov: Aristophanes's 利西翠坦 (呂健忠)
(Dec: 知堂回想錄)
Dec: Seneca's six tragedies (Emily Wilson)
Dec: 太安萬侶::古事記 (周作人)
Dec: 式亭三馬::浮世澡堂 (周作人)

Jan: Ovid's 變形錄 (呂健忠)
Jan: Virgil's Aeneid (Sarah Ruden)
Mar: Virgil's Georgics (David Ferry)
May: Gilgamesh (David Ferry)
May: Horace's Epistles (David Ferry)
May: Horace's Odes (David Ferry)
Jun: Apuleius's Golden Ass: Cupid and Psyche (Sarah Ruden)
Jun: Apuleius's Golden Ass: Cupid and Psyche (Robert Graves)
Aug: 先知書 (後先知書) (馮象)
Nov: Odyssey (Emily Wilson)
Dec: Confessions of St. Augustine (Sarah Ruden)

Mar: Decameron (Mark Musa)
Jul: Dante's Divine Comedy (Mark Musa)
Sept: Ovid's Heroides (Harold Isbell)
Sept: Song of Roland (Robert Harrison)
Sept: Ovid's Metamorphoses 1--3 (Horace Gregory)


若 12/27 = x/18 = 28/y,
求 x 與 y.

12 = 4 * 3
27 = 9 * 3
故 12/27 = 4/9.

因此, 題目等於問
4/9 = x/18 = 28/y.
鑑於 18 = 9 * 2 及 28 = 4 * 7,
可知 4/9 = 8/18 及 4/9 = 28/63.
故 x = 8 及 y = 63.

27 = 3 * 3 * 3
18 = 2 * 3 * 3
鑑於 18 = 27/3 *2.
可見 x = 12/3 *2 = 4 *2 = 8.

其次, 等式首尾之分子
12 = 2 * 2 * 3
28 = 2 * 2 * 7
留意 28 = 12/3 *7.
是故 y = 27/3 *7 = 9 *7 = 63.



耶穌在山上, 看見大眾前來, 他大感動, 說: 收成是豐盛的, 可惜做工的人太少了.

(胡適譯? , 錄自陳之藩在春風裏第四信)


Simon Gaunt and Karen Pratt
Oxford's world classics

Twelve Frank peers

sec. 67, lines 826--827
The twelve peers have remained in Spain, / They have twenty housand Franks in their company; / They are not afraid, nor do they fear death.

sec. 64, lines 792--802
1. Count Roland
2. Oliver, his companion
3. Gerin
4. brave Count Gerer
5. Oton
6. Berenger
7. Astor
8. Anseis the fierce
9. old Gerard of Rousillon
10. Duke Gaifier
11. Archbishop of Turpin of Rheims
12. Count Gautier del Hum

sec. 93--104, 116--123 (battle)
1. Roland
2. Oliver
3. Archbishop Turpin
4. Gerin
5. Gerer, his companion
6. Duke Samson
7. Anseis
8. Engeler, the Gascon from Bordeaux
9. Gautier
10. Berenger
11. Guiun
12. Duke Austorie

sec. 162--163, 166 (bodies found)
1. Gerin
2. Gerer, his companion
3. Berenger
4. Oton
5. Anseis
6. Samson
7. old Gerard of Roussillion
8. Oliver
9. Archbishop Turpin
10. Roland

sec. 177 (Charles' cry) 0. Roland
1. Archbishop
2. Count Oliver
3. Gerin
4. Gerer, his companion
5. Oton
6. Count Berenger
7. Ivon
8. Ivoire
9. Engeler the Gascon
10. Duke Samson
11. Anseis the fierce
12. old Gerard of Roussillon


0. Marsilie's nephew, A\"elroth

sec. 70, lines 876--879
Fair king, my lord, you have granted me a great boon. / Pray select for me twelve of your barons / And I shall fight against the twelve companions.

Twelve Marsilie's barons

sec. 70--78
1. Falsaron, brother of King Marsilie
2. King Corsablix, Berber and expert in black arts
3. Malprimis of Brigal, good runner
4. an amirafle from Balaguer, with exceptional courage
5. an almacor from Moriana, treacherous
6. Count Turgis of Tortosa
7. Escremiz of Val-Terne, Saracen
8. Estorgant, deceitful
9. Estranarit, Estorgant's companion
10. Margarit of Seville, good looking
11. Chernuble of Muneigre, long hair


Cosmetics & Cures (Ovid)

Ovid's Cosmetics for Ladies
(tr. by AD Melville. Oxford Classics)


Girls dress to please themselves; smartness can never / Be wrong; it makes no odds whom they pursue.

Hair's curled deep in the country; though they're hidden
On Athos, they'll be smart on Athos too.

There's pleasure also in self-satisfaction; / Their beauty always warms the hearts of girls. / In silent pride of beauty struts the peacock / And for the praise of men its plumes unfurls.

That's how love should arise, not by the power
Of plants some frightful sorceress prepares.
And put no trust in herbs or blended juices,
Nor try the poison-flux of lusting mares.

No snakes are burst by Marsian incantations, / Nor does a river to its source flow back, / And even though no bronze is banged and beaten, / The moon will not shaken from her track.


Your first thought, girls, should be for your behaviour; / A face will please when character is fine. / Love lasts for character: age ruins beauty / And looks that charmed are ploughed with many a line. /

The time will come when you will loathe your mirror / And grief a second cause of wrinkles sends. / Goodness suffices and endures for ever; / On this throughout its years true love depends.

* * *

Cures for Love (Melville)

445-448 (p.163)

Great rivers are reduced by many channels; / When fuel is dispersed the flame will die. / One anchor's not enough to hold a warship, / One hook is not enough when water's high.


Ovid's Amores


III. 4c
Fuss as you will, there's charm in joys forbidden; / Unless she says `I'm frightened', she'no fun.

III. 9b
But every holy thing brash death profanes; / There's nothing that his murky clutches spare.

III. 14c
It's easy beating one who wants to lose; / Just say 'Not guity'---they're the words to use. / With those two words there's victory to be had, / So win the judge, although the case is bad.



陳之藩, 在春風裏

(P.17 迷失的時代: 紀念海明威之死)

花草的芬芳, 令人沉醉,
流水的聲音, 如是悠揚.


(P.24 願天早生聖人)

長生殿· 酒樓 :
【逍遙樂】 向天街徐步, 暫遣牢騷, 聊寬逆旅。 俺則見來往紛如, 鬧昏昏似醉漢難扶, 那裡有獨醒行吟楚大夫! 俺郭子儀呵, 待覓個同心伴侶,

悵釣魚人去, 射虎人遙, 屠狗人無。


(From Nov 2022, c.)

韓劇 :
王后傘下 2022 NF *
千寰律師 2022 DN+ *
文森佐 2021 NF **
非常律師禹英禑 2022 NF **
機智醫生生活 2. 2021 NF *
社內相親 2022 NF
女王製造者 2023 NF **
不瘋不狂不愛你 2023 NF
醫生車智淑 2023 NF *
特工家族 2023 DN+
機智的醫生生活 2020 NF *
機智的監獄生活 2017 NF *
Stealer:七個朝鮮通寶 2023 tvN
XX 娜娜的酒吧 2020 MBC * (插敍的小品)
絕世網紅 2023 NF
有益的欺詐 2023 tvN **
舊案尋凶第二季 2023 DN+ *
(結尾過於倉卒牽強. 然而十字街頭一幕很精采)
Numbers:大廈之林的監視者 2023 MBC *
(雖然片中會計師樓所起的作用, 渲染得有點過份)(企業森林/商廈叢林的監察者)
歡迎來到王之國 2023 NF (歡迎光臨王者之國)
今生也請多指教 2023 NF *
哲仁王后 2020 tvN (古裝胡鬧劇. 以自我性別意識的轉變為眼)
雖然是神經病但沒關係 2020 NF ** (神經病但沒相干 / 神經病又何妨)
盜賊之歌 2023 NF *
戀愛不可抗力 2023 NF
大耀酒店 2024 TVN
烏當堂堂家族 2024 KBS 1TV (肥皂劇)
財閥X刑警 2024 DN+

泰劇 :
泰國洞穴救援事件簿 2022 ** NF

夜溫柔 (何嘉麗)


半醉新月溫柔 醉柳倚月影嬌也羞[1]
今宵願陪君 步月並同飲[2]
醇酒 濃酒 (乘酒 擕手)

送上千萬溫柔 送上春盡解心裡秋[3]
香香是蠻腰[4] 夜夜是良宵
漫漫長夜未深透 請逗留

倘若君不過順道過路 (倘有君)
人生如一夢 難計何去從
盡賀這晚相逢 (莫負這晚相逢)
真痴假情 亦是一樣笑容
溫軟酥膊 輕扣君膊 免君凍[11]

送上風月風流 笑語中為君添美酒
輕風蕩簾鉤[12] 豔目略含羞[13]
垂首 回首

1. 連影也嬌羞, 妙. 不過新月, 何來月影?
2. 醉月等字太重覆, 俗. 正因其俗, 故妥貼.
3. 解秋, 妙.
4. 香香, 妙. 正路: 纖纖是蠻腰, 用眼看. 香香卻是倚翠偎紅溫香軟玉, 把頭枕過去嗅.
11. 扣, 正路作靠. 挨一挨, 碰一碰, 為免君凍, 勾魂攝魄妙語.
12. 輕風蕩簾鉤, 眉目傳情, 銷魂蝕骨. (勾欄之地, 蕩字比動字更貼切)
13. 豔目含羞, 造作之至, 妙.

Never on Sunday










1. 植樹問題
Fence post problem (off-by-one error)

2. 果園問題 / 行樹問題 / 九樹十行問題
Orchard-planting problem / tree-planting problem

3. 歐幾里得果園
Euclid's orchard

Ovid's Tristia V


1. Mournful
2. Prayer to Casesar
3. Festival of Bacchus
4. You'll know what to do and will do what you can
5. Wife's birthday
6. Friend, do you abandon me now?
7. About Getae, the local people
8. Lowest of low, you are immense
9. I am in your debt
10. Every moment's a blow
11. Not an exile's wife
12. Ask Priam to frolic at Hector's death
13. I send you a Health
14. Praise to wife

Lord Jesus, Think on Me

Synesius of Cyrene, Bishop of Ptolemais
trs. by Allen William Chatfield

Tune: SOUTHWELL (Daman)
Collegiate Church of St Mary Warwick Choir

1. Lord Jesus, think on me,
and purge away my sin;
from earth-born passions set me free,
and make me pure within.

2. Lord Jesus, think on me
Amid the battle’s strife;
In all my pain and misery
Be Thou my Health and Life.

3. Lord Jesus, think on me,
with care and woe oppressed,
let me Thy loving servant be,
and taste Thy promised rest.

4. Lord Jesus, think on me,
nor let me go astray;
through darkness and perplexity
point Thou the heav'nly way.

5. Lord Jesus, think on me,
that, when the flood is past,
I may eternal brightness see,
and share Thy joy at last.

6. Lord Jesus, think on me
That I may sing above
To Father, Spirit, and to Thee
The strains of praise and love.


二版普天頌讚 59

From glory to glory advancing (C. W. Humphreys)
Liturgy of St. James, 4th century
楊蔭瀏譯 1931

Tune: Sheen, St. Keverne (Lang)



From glory to glory advancing, we praise thee, O Lord; / thy name with the Father and Spirit be ever adored. / From strength unto strength we go forward on Sion's highway, / to appear before God in the city of infinite day.

Thanksgiving and glory and worship and blessing and love, / one heart and one song have the saints upon earth and above. / Evermore, O Lord, to thy servants thy presence be nigh; / ever fit us by service on earth for thy service on high.

I bind unto myself this day (St Patrick's Breastplate)
(Dublin 1982 John Dexter), (Hymn Channel), Saint Dominic ChurchBarnaby Huish (St Margaret's Church);
Vox Hiberniae - St. Patrick's Breastplate (John O'Keeffe)


Jan: A Letter to Three Wives (1949)
Feb: Lydia (1941)

Lady Chatterley


p.4, 10, 11, etc:
baronet 不是男爵 baron, 而是從男爵. 所以 Clifford 襲爵後的稱呼是 Sir Clifford 不是 Lord Chatterley.

p.123 L.1: 看見

p.142 #5.1: 浪[慢]史---漫.

P.231 #2.8: [勤]格貝---勒

P.245 #-1.3, P.367, #5.2: 想作 = ?

P.246 #2.1: 王后---女皇

P.348 #2.(-1): 開引號 where?

* * *

p.17: 監理會教徒---循道宗的教徒. Methodists 在英國稱循道會. 在美北稱美以美會, 在美南才稱監理會. (1939年南北復合後稱衛理會) 監指監督/會督, 是主教的別稱. 英國的 Methodist Church 不設主教, 所以無監理之稱.

P.238: 原始派監理會---Primitive 原始派循道會 (循原會)
維斯萊派---Wesleyan 衛斯理派 (衛斯理宗循道會)
自由派---Congregational 公理會

P.428: 依式定做 vs 度身訂做. 定/訂二字用得真貼切.

約伯記 7

7: 1--4, 6--7

人生在世,豈不像服兵役?人的歲月,豈不像傭工的時日? 有如奴工切望陰涼,傭工期待工資: 這樣,我也只有承受失意的歲月,承受為我註定的苦痛長夜。 我臥下時說:「幾時天亮?」起來時說:「黑夜何時才到?」 我整夜輾轉反側,直到天亮。 歲月流逝,速於織梭,也因無望而中斷。 請記念我:生命無非像一口氣,我的雙眼再也見不到幸福。

Keep it light

Keep it light

Back in my day 想當年

Can I have huge a shot in the dark?

Let's Learn Everything!
1: Time Illusions, Electric Bees, and Fakespeares
The Science of Nature
Bumblebee electric charge stimulates floral volatile emissions in Petunia integrifolia but not in Antirrhinum majus
Published: 14 September 2021

Bag the ducks


T: Why do ducks become fewer in recent years?
C: Because we bag too many ducks.
T: No! Ducks beg you.

Among the ruins (Chatterley)

DH Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover

Chapter 1

Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically. The cataclysm has happened, we are among the ruins, we start to build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes. It is rather hard work: there is now no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles. We've got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen.

(BM, 饒述一/朱光潛, 略修)
我們根本就生活在悲劇的時代, 因此不願悽惶自擾。 大災難已經來臨了,我們就在廢墟之中; 剛從頭樹立新的小建築, 懷抱新的小希望。 這是艱難的工作: 再沒有康莊大道通到將來, 但是我們卻迂迴而進,或攀援障礙而過。 不管天翻地覆,我們卻不得不生活。

(遠景, 湯新楣)
我們的時代基本上是個悲慘的時代, 於是我們拒絕以悲慘的態度去應付. 空前浩劫過去了, 我們置身廢墟中, 開始建造小的新居, 懷著小的希望. 這實在是艱苦的工作: 前面現在沒有康莊大道, 可是我們兜繞過, 或是攀越過障礙. 不論塌了幾重天, 我們都得活下去.

(董橋, 轉引自青山亂叠前記)
我們這個時代根本是個可悲的時代, 我們偏偏不肯認命. 狂瀾既倒, 我們都在斷瓦頽垣之中, 慢慢養成一點新習慣*, 抱着一點新希望. 費勁是相當費勁了. 此去並無坦途: 重重障礙, 我們也想法子繞路走, 甚至手腳並用攀過去. 反正我們不管天塌了多少下來 都只好活下去.

* 筆誤. habitats, 非 habits.

This was more or less Constance Chatterley's position. The war had brought the roof down over her head. And she had realized that one must live and learn.

(饒述一/朱光潛, 略修)
這大概就是康士丹斯‧查泰萊夫人的處境。 她親嘗過世界大戰帶來的土崩瓦解, 因此了解人必須生活,必須求知。

康斯坦絲‧查泰萊的態度大概就是如此, 戰事把她的安樂窩弄坍了, 她明白一個人必須活下去, 並且要學乖.


1. 推廣 generalization
2. 同構 homomorphism



* 唐傳奇: 李朝威 / Yang trs (楊憲益戴乃迭), Dragon King's Daughter
* 元雜劇: 尚仲賢 / Hawkes trs, Liu Yi and Dragon Princess

Chientang Breaks the Foemen's Ranks


(傳奇) Yang trs:
Wide the earth and grey the sky,
Who can hear a distant cry?
The fox lies snugly in his lair,
But thunderbolts can reach him there.
A true man, who upholds the right,
Restored my daughter to my sight.
Such a service how can we requite?

(雜劇) Hawkes trs:
Beneath the blue and boundless sky
Within the vast encircling sea
Who can predict what any man
Will in the end turn out to be?

Snug in their holes like mice and rats
The wicked may feel free from care
But when the Avenger finds them out
His lightning strikes them even there

Good friend, because you kept your word
Our dear one's with us here today
This kindness nothing can repay


The Princess's Joyful return 貴主還宮之歌


(傳奇) Yang trs:
Life and death are fixed by fate,
Our princess found a worthless mate.
By River Jing she had to go,
In wind and frost, in rain and snow.
This gentleman her letter bore,
Then we restored her to this shore.
This we'll remember ever more!

(雜劇) Hawkes trs:
Good marriages are made in heaven
But hers was not to be for life
We meant well, but the one she wed
Was no fit match for such a wife

On the bleak northern riverside
In loneliness she nursed her pain
Chilled by each passing wind that blew
Or soaked and shivering in the rain

But now our dear one, thanks to you,
Is with us as she was before
We'll bless you for this evermore



(傳奇) Yang trs:
Like a blossom in the rain,
The princess longed for home in vain,
I brought back tidings of her plight,
And all her wrongs were soon set right,
Now we feast, but soon must part,
For home again I needs must start.
Bitter longing fills my heart!

東君 (九歌)

楚辭 Songs of the South
David Hawkes trs

Nine Songs 九歌
VII. The Lord of the East 東君

1. With a faint flush I start to come out of the east, / Shinning down on my threshold, Fu-sang. 暾將出兮東方,照吾檻兮扶桑。
As I urge my horses slowly forwards, / The night sky brightens, and day has come.

I ride a dragon car and chariot on the thunder, / With cloud-banners fluttering upon the wind.
I heave a long sigh as I start the ascent, / Reluctant to leave, and looking back longingly; 長太息兮將上,心低徊兮顧懷。
For the beauty and the music are so enchanting, / The beholder, delighted, forgets that he must go.
羌聲色兮娛人,觀者憺兮忘歸。 (羌助詞)

2. Tigten the zither's strings and smite them in unison! / Strike the bells until the bell-stand rocks! 緪瑟兮交鼓,㩋鐘兮搖虡。
(緪音庚, 㩋音肅, 虡音巨)
Let the flutes sound! Blow the pan-pipes! / See the priestesses, how skilled and lovely,
(箎音池, 思助詞, 姱叶庫/戶 khoa)
Whirling and dipping like birds in flight, / Unfolding the words in time to the dancing,
Pitch and beat all in perfect accord! / The spirits, descending, darken the sun.

3. In my cloud-coat and my skirt of the rainbow, / Grasping my bow I soar high up in the sky.
I aim my long arrow and shoot the Wolf of Heaven; / I seize the Dipper to ladle cinnamon wine.
Then holding my reins, I plunge down to my setting, / On my gloomy night journey back to the east.
撰余轡兮返淪降,杳冥冥兮以東行。 (行叶航)


#1 東君自道, 日出之象
#2 祭儀 (靈 = 降靈於巫)
#3 東君自道, 日中與日落, 及夜行回東方

Hawkes 於 #3 的譯文, 調動了詞句的次序.
In my cloud-coat and my skirt of the rainbow, /
I aim my long arrow and shoot the Wolf of Heaven.

Then grasping my bow, I plunge down to my setting; / I seize the Dipper to ladle cinnamon wine.
撰余轡兮高駝翔,杳冥冥兮以東行。 Holding my reins, I soar high up in the sky, / On my gloomy night journey back to the east.

王逸注 駝, 一作馳, 一無此字. 又, 大司命曰 高駝兮沖天, 王逸注 駝, 一作馳.



偵探小說 / 推理小說

吾兒問我, 同學與他談起有何偵探小說可讀. 我不是偵探小說迷. 只能提幾個人所共知的系列, 或我愛好, 或有點特色的作品. 雖非內行, 大概五花八門, 也多少有些代表性.


1. 盧布朗 Leblanc: (1900--1930s)
怪盜紳士亞森羅蘋 Arsene Lupin


2. 柯南道爾 Conan Doyle: (1890--1920s)
沒有福爾摩斯的故事 (陳永明譯)

3. 克莉絲蒂 Agatha Christie:
(偵探小說女王, 1920--1970s)
白羅探案 (eg 東方快車謀殺案, 羅傑命案 (Murder of Roger Ackroyd)), etc.

4. 榭爾絲 Dorothy Sayers: (1920--1930s)
Lord Peter Wimsey stories, esp. those with Miss Harriet Vane

5. 愛倫坡 Edgar Allan Poe:
(偵探小說之父, 1840s)
C. Auguste Dupin 三部曲 (Rue Morgue, Marie Roget, Purloined Letter)


6. Orhan Pamuk: 我的名字叫紅 (1998, 伊斯蘭)

7. Umberto Eco: 玫瑰之名 (1980, 中世紀)

8. 東野圭吾 (當代, 人情味濃厚)

9. 松本清張 (戰後, 探及社會背景)


10. Dashiell Hammett: The Maltese Falcon馬耳他之鷹 (1930)

11. 高羅佩 Robert Hans van Gulik:
Judge Dee 大唐狄公案 (1950--60s)

12. 赤川次郎: (1980--2000 流行小說)

13. Nancy Springer: (2006-- 青年讀物) Enola Holmes Mysteries 天才少女福爾摩斯



讀了傅雷譯單身三部曲的兩個故事: 都爾的本堂神父 Le Cure de Tours 與 彼哀蘭 Pierrette (比哀蘭德). 換了是從前眼淺的我, 想必熱淚盈眶, 掩卷不能卒讀. 尤其是彼哀蘭的故事, 其灑狗血催淚之情度, 比經典韓劇有過之而無不及. 只是巴爾札克刻劃人性之辛辣, 之深刻, 當然不是現今電視劇可相提並論了.

一路讀來, 那種情節反來覆去, 搧動情緒的套路, 總教人思疑巴爾札克的小說, 是否報紙連載.

(PS: 在網上搜尋了一下, 似乎確有是說.)

所謂人間喜劇, 看來都是人間悲苦之劇, 與時下所謂之喜劇並不相干. 勉強言之, 所謂喜, 就是劇中充滿令人哭笑不得的幽默與諷刺. 也許可借日文一個詞語, 譯做 浮世繪, 更貼切.


山長水遠到粉嶺, 在前輩的寫字樓兼書齊裡談了好半天, 談起舊公司一個時代的終結.

回家讀起董橋記憶的腳註, 讀到 2004 年泰晤士報捨大取小, 改成細開倒一節. (告別老泰晤士報)

前天, 倫敦一位傳媒朋友問我, "What comes next?" 我說當年哲學家 AJ Ayer 經典著作 Language, Truth and Logic 剛出版, ..... Elisabeth Pakenhelm 問艾爾下一步是甚麼? 艾爾眼睛一亮回答說: "There is no next. Philosophy has come to an end. Finished."


篇末說, 泰晤士報排拒新思潮, 人或嘲之賣的是名人訃告和填字遊戲, 倒是讀者來信好看, 引了一例:

一九七三年英國石油存量大跌, 一位讀者寫了一行字的信進言儲君查理斯取個公主: "Sir, can't an Arab princess be found for the Prince of Wales?"

吾兒聞言, 為之捧腹.


神曲煉獄篇 Dante, Purgarory
Canto 24, line 144--154


猶如預告破曉的五月微風吹起, 完全滲透了草味和花氣, 散發出芳香; 我覺到一絲這樣的微風打在我額部正中, 還覺到翅膀搧動, 使得這風聞著有天香。

我聽見說:「這樣的人有福了,他們蒙受如此洪恩啟迪, 使得對美味的愛好在他們心中不激起太大的食慾, 他們感到飢餓的,總是正義!」(飢渴慕義)


And as the breeze in May --- first messenger || of whitening dawn --- is moved in fragrant waves, || pregnant with grasses, greenery and flowers,

so here I sensed, mid-brow, wind touching me, || and sensed the moving feathers of a wing || that brought ambrosial senses to the air,

and made me sense the words: `The truly blessed || are lit with so much grace that in their hearts || a love of food fumes forth no false desire,

esruent always for the good and true.'


And just as, when she announces the dawn, || The May breeze stirs and brings her scent, || All saturated by the grass and flowers;

so I felt a wind on my forehead, || And was conscious of the movement of the wing || Which made me feel a breath of ambrosia.

And I heard a voice: `Blessed are those whom grace || Has enlightened that the appetite || Does not inflame desire excessively

But lets them always hunger as much as is just.'


巴爾扎克, Le Curé de Tours


街的左手只有一所屋子,聖迦西安大堂的飛扶壁穿 過屋子的圍牆,直立在又小又窄的園子裡,叫你看了想不透到底是先有 大堂呢,還是先有那年深月久,變成暗黃色的屋子。

可是考古家把屋子 的外表,門上的環洞,窗的形狀和裝飾花紋細看之下,就會發覺屋子和 巍峨宏偉的大堂不但相連,當初原是一體。

大教堂經過悠長的歲月,顏色蒼黑,佈滿裂痕, 又是冷又是潮濕,長著青苔和高高的野草。

屋子坐落在大堂北面,經常 罩在大堂的陰影之下,從早到晚靜到極點,只有鐘聲,從教堂裡透出來 做日課的聲音,或是棲宿在鐘樓頂上紅腳烏鴉的聒噪聲,偶爾衝破 四周的岑寂。